Where does the ideology of separation of spheres fit into women’s long-term struggle for rights in the early to mid 1800s?

*Only Cite source is the 5 sources listed in this instructions Purpose: Assess women’s long-term struggle for rights Skills Used: Careful attention to detail reading assigned sources, comparing and contrasting, making a historical argument, presenting information in a written format. Read/review the following materials below. Cited Examples in the body (Must only use these examples) … Read more

Write Yemen Civil War essay comparing and contrasting theoretical models of geopolitics, and analyze cases of regional conflict and assess the reaction of international state-actors in their attempt to safeguard their interests.

write Yemen Civil War essay comparing and contrasting theoretical models of geopolitics, and analyze cases of regional conflict and assess the reaction of international state-actors in their attempt to safeguard their interests. Students can use any country linked to a regional or international conflict. You must compare and contrast two of the three theoretical models … Read more

Legacy of Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States.

This discussion will require you to grapple with the complicated legacy of Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States. When you answer, be sure to refer back to your textbook so that you can use actual historical evidence to support your response. Historians make careful distinctions about system of slavery throughout the human … Read more

Symbolism in Guernica

1. Go to this site: http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/guernica.htm ……. and read about Guernica ……. 2. then, read about the symbolism in Guernica: http://legomenon.com/guernica-meaning-analysis-of-painting-by-pablo-picasso.html 3. Think about some major political event that has happened in your life, if you were to record it in art what would you create? What would you use symbolically to reference this event? … Read more

In at least a 250 word response, what happens if those histories of historically marginalized peoples are the only histories that are told?

Question: In at least a 250 word response, what happens if those histories of historically marginalized peoples are the only histories that are told? What happens when we only teach the history of people in context of their discrimination and oppression. What does that do to a student of history who might come from that … Read more

Impact of Imperial Rome upon the development of architecture

Writing Assignment Roman Architecture GUIDELINES For Submission Typed 3-5 pages double-spaced. Font 12 point: Times New Roman or Cambria. MLA style. PROMPT Caesar Augustus famously claimed, “I found [Rome] a city of brick, but left it of marble.” Augustus began a series of major building projects within the Roman Empire that would be continued by … Read more

Westward Expansion during 1800-1848

The Lewis and Clark Expedition The Missouri Compromise Independence of Texas Mexican War of 1846-1848 The California Gold Rush Then, address the following for your selections: Which of your two selections do you consider most impactful on Westward Expansion during 1800-1848? Explain why. Analyze the effects of the ideology of Manifest Destiny on the two … Read more

Cultural history of the United States in the post-Civil War era

Thomas Edison was a prolific inventor whose accomplishments included the lightbulb and paving the way for motion pictures. Movies provide many functions: (1) escapism and (2) reflection. They can provide escapism from the world’s problems. They also can reflect previous historical events and/or current cultural trends. However, some movies tend to blur the line between … Read more

Reconstruction, US overseas expansion, the Progressive Era and new immigration patterns.

The materials for the first two units of the course (weeks 1 and 2) have covered aspects of the period of US history from 1865-1920, focusing on Reconstruction, US overseas expansion, the Progressive Era, and new immigration patterns. Based on the assigned readings for these two units, which aspect of this history have you found … Read more

According to Sosa Riddell, what is “double oppression” and from what historical realities does it emerge?

Answer each question in at least 1 PARAGRAPH MINIMUM. 1.According to Sosa Riddell, what is “double oppression” and from what historical realities does it emerge? 2. According to Riddell, how did this double oppression shape the roles that Chicanas were expected to carry out within the Chicano Movement of the 60s and 70s and how … Read more

Why did the Articles of Confederation fail?

Why is the Declaration of Independence important? How can it be related to our forms of government under the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution? Why did the Articles of Confederation fail? How is the current Constitution different from the Articles of Confederation? What section of the Constitution do you find most interesting or important? … Read more

What is required of a society for its political structure to be considered democratic?

Respond to any 2 of the following prompts in an original discussion post by midnight, Day 4 of Week 9. Answer both questions in one single post rather than respond to each question in different posts. You should answer all parts of the questions you chose to answer. Number your answers corresponding to the prompt … Read more

Explore the motivations of different European settlers as well as how they described the New World.

Purpose of the Discussion In this discussion forum you will explore the motivations of different European settlers as well as how they described the New World. Directions: Some of you saw you had access to this discussion board last week. That was in error. As you read Winthrop, feel free to go back and edit … Read more

What is meant by a black swan event.

ithin the Discussion Board area, write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Discuss the following: Research what is meant by a black swan event. Examine … Read more

Analyze the threats of climate change that humans faced in the past and the threats they face today

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR POST Archaeological Data & Cultural Diversity: The authors of the article state (Burke 2021, 2) that “cultural diversity … is the key to long-term human resilience.” How do the authors make a case for this point using the archaeological record? Formation Processes: Analyze the threats of climate change that humans faced in … Read more

Why you believe the turning point is in fact a significant moment in U.S. History

My paper is one the American Revolution • Why you believe the turning point is in fact a significant moment in U.S. History. • Describe the causes and events that led to the turning point. • Analyze how the turning point changed the course of history in the United States. • Evaluate the impact of … Read more

Colonialism in the country of Antigua

Jamaica Kincaid • Kincaid’s “Girl” serves as a demonstrative indictment, if you will, regarding the stifling effects of Colonization or Colonialism in the country of Antigua. • In at least 150 words, share your opinions regarding this “mother/daughter conversation” • To help guide your discussion consider this question: Do such conversations still take place? Why … Read more

Rise of civilizations in Mesoamerica and Andean South America

Think about the rise of civilizations in Mesoamerica and Andean South America. How are they similar to the other civilizations we have studied, such as those in Egypt, China, or Greece? Why do you think civilizations which developed halfway across the world exhibit similarities? How are they different? Are there specific reasons why differences exist … Read more

Principles of classical conditioning

Discuss basic principles of classical conditioning, including extinction and recovery, higher-order conditioning, and stimulus generalization and discrimination. Discussion Post 400 words (minimum, excluding references) APA or MLA Formatting 12 point font Times New Roman References/Citations required (1 minimum) Please use the book and or maybe real life scenario. Invitation to Psychology 8th Edition Carole Wade, … Read more

Major historical circumstances and societal developments contributed to the need for a correctional system. 

Submit a 1,100 to 1,250-word paper in which you address the following: Explain how major historical circumstances and societal developments contributed to the need for a correctional system. (250–300 words) Identify three major historical reform movements in the correctional system. Then describe the reasoning behind each reform movement. Finally, explain the degree to which each … Read more

Determine how sustained wind speed in a hurricane is related to the surface pressure of the storm.

Project – Intensity of Hurricanes Topics: Regression and correlation We wish to determine how sustained wind speed in a hurricane is related to the surface pressure of the storm. The goal of this project is to consider the relationship between wind speed and pressure within a hurricane and, to develop a model that describes this … Read more

Describe the historical events or innovations that characterize the period in which the work was created.

in this task, you will write an analysis of one work (suggested length of 3–6 paragraphs total). Choose one work from one time period in the list of accepted works provided in the “Task Works” found in the web links section. Once you have selected one of the accepted works from the list provided in … Read more

Five C’s: change over time, context, causality, contingency, and complexity.

ASSIGNMENT: In this course, you have been introduced to the skills of historical thinking by examining events in modern U.S. history with attention to the Five C’s: change over time, context, causality, contingency, and complexity. Recall each of these historical thinking skills from the Analyzing Primary Sources lesson: Change Over Time: History happens over a … Read more

Kanopy film “T’Ain’t Nobody’s Buziness”

After you have watched the Kanopy film “T’Ain’t Nobody’s Buziness”, create a Powerpoint/Slide show that describes the hardships and issues for queer singers in the early 20th century. You will need to takes notes during the film to learn the names of many of the singers (there was more than just Ma Rainey). After you … Read more

Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States.

Instructions: You must write an essay (1000 words minimum) in which you address the following two questions or topics: The fundamental values that inform how are democratic government is legitimated and organized are enshrined on the Declaration of Independence and in the Constitution of the United States. Identify and discuss the basic ideals and principles … Read more

How the government is paid for.

Hi Everyone! This week we read about how the government is paid for. From the public administrator’s view, this is the source of revenue. We learned that upon examining the Ferguson MO budget, it was possible for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to determine that the priority of collecting revenue placed an excessive burden upon … Read more

Explain the role of power in conflict

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 1 and 2 in Jandt (2021). Jandt (2021) explains that “conflict can result from the exercise of power. Conflict can be expressed in resistance to attempts to control another’s behavior as well as in unjust or evil attempts to control others” (p. 32). In this paper … Read more

In your opinion, did America remain neutral in “thought and deed” from 1914 to 1917?

In 1914 Woodrow Wilson proclaimed U.S. neutrality, and asked the American people to remain “impartial in thought as well as deed.” At the end of the war, some members of the government pushed to expand American influence but to also remain free of any commitments, a policy its critics referred to as isolationism. In order … Read more

Discuss a topic (200-250 words) from the Jansson text readings.

Discuss a topic (200-250 words) from the Jansson text readings and PowerPoint presentations for the week and post a question to your classmates on that topic. Respond to at least two questions posted by classmates. For both your question and responses to classmates discuss and cite at least two sources. For responses, identify who you … Read more

Research and analyze the criteria and historical background of a disability affecting children (Any covered under IDEA) including prevalence, implications for the individual with the disability, impact on families, related laws, treatment(s), and appropriate education.

Research and analyze the criteria and historical background of a disability affecting children (Any covered under IDEA) including prevalence, implications for the individual with the disability, impact on families, related laws, treatment(s), and appropriate education. **CHOSEN TOPIC: AUTISM** Summarize, reference, and describe gathered information and apply appropriate and effective strategies for the specific disability using … Read more

How was slavery a cause for the decline of the Roman Empire?

For this assignment, you will write a 3-5 paragraph Mini-Essay in which you will respond to the Overall Guiding Question that follows below. In the essay you will identify the 3 “most important factors” that led to the fall of Rome and explain why you chose each one. In your conclusion , you will state … Read more

Discuss how developments in social and intellectual life, imperial expansion, and politics would produce an atmosphere that would lead to wars by the turn of the century, and eventually to World War I

Imperialism surged by the end of the 19th century. This was called ‘new imperialism’ since countries wanted to rule territory directly, rather than just control trade with them. Discuss how developments in social and intellectual life, imperial expansion, and politics would produce an atmosphere that would lead to wars by the turn of the century, … Read more

Why the actions of the British upset the colonists.

1.) Identify and explain two of the British policies, including the specifics and why the actions of the British upset the colonists. 2.) For each of the policies you have chosen, explain the reaction of the colonists to them, again providing specific examples and details. 3.) Finally, evaluate – do you think the Revolution could … Read more

Were the Radical Republicans correct in their assumptions regarding the South, or could Lincoln’s approach have paved the way for a continuation of the political, social, and economic gains that African Americans had achieved during reconstruction?

In your opinion, were the Radical Republicans correct in their assumptions regarding the South, or could Lincoln’s approach have paved the way for a continuation of the political, social, and economic gains that African Americans had achieved during reconstruction? Support your argument(s) including information from assigned and linked readings

Does the federal government encourage private companies and individuals to establish colonies on other planets

(1) Does the federal government encourage private companies and individuals to establish colonies on other planets? (2) What incentives do national elites have in the colonization of terrestrial planets? (3) Is the government better capable at colonizing other planets than private industry?

Analyze a U.S. political news article found on the website RealClearPolitics.

NEWS BRIEFING QUEST ASSIGNMENT #8 For this News Briefing Quest Assignment, you will choose and analyze a U.S. political news article found on the website RealClearPolitics. 1st Paragraph: Summarize the most important information from the article in your own words. As noted in the syllabus, TurnItIn will be used on all assignments to detect plagiarism. … Read more

Cultural differences in childhood

Choose one of the three articles discussing cultural differences in childhood different from your culture. What are your reactions to the childhood experiences of your chosen author? What experiences were similar, if any, to your experiences? What is different about how they were raised from your child-rearing experiences in terms of who their primary caregivers … Read more

What is a Native American berdache?

Option 2: BEYOND THE GENDER BINARY Answer the following question by using some references to Chapter 7: Families, Kinship, and Marriage but mostly use Chapter 8: Gender by Kottak as well as the following articles: The Berdache Tradition by W. Williams and Hijras: An Alternative Gender in India by S. Nanda both located in Annual … Read more

How are state systems politically different from non-states such as bands or tribes?

Answer the following Instructor Question by using the 3 required readings and the film. In terms of the film, you must use specific examples from the film in order to help answer the film portion of the question. As for the required readings, you must use Chapter 4: Language and Communication, Unit 2: 2.6: Vanishing … Read more

What factors led to the PRI losing its reign in Mexico?

Please provide a standard outline for your upcoming final paper, a draft thesis and preliminary reference list. Your outline should include the key terms and phrases associated with advancing the thesis or addressing the question. Your preliminary reference list should include at least five sources; at least two should be journal articles. Be sure to … Read more

How do suzerain-vassal treaties factor in to how we understand the structure of the covenant?

You may go to canvas.liberty.edu and put in pabrown11@liberty.edu as the username and Surviver23! as the password to access the link for OBST800. Here’s your instructions: Discuss the importance of ancient Near Eastern legal traditions (Laws of Hammurabi, Eshnunna, Lipit-Ishtar, Ur-Nammu, etc.) to our understanding of the structure of the Mosaic Covenant. How do suzerain-vassal … Read more

Harlem Renaissance and analyze the influence on human behavior in society both then and now.

Pop Culture Project Objective: Research Harlem Renaissance and analyze the influence on human behavior in society both then and now. 1. Browse through the online encyclopedia provided for you entitled, Pop Culture Universe. Click on this link and then select Pop Culture Universe under “P” for an online encyclopedia that takes you through various decades … Read more

Describe humanity’s transition into the Bronze Age

Include the following in this week’s initial discussion response: As if you were talking to a friend or family member, describe humanity’s transition into the Bronze Age (what, where, and why it was significant). At the end of your discussion, explain what we know about the collapse of the Bronze Age. Make sure you point … Read more

Describe and analyze the changes in the role of Parliament in English politics between the succession of James I (1603) and the Glorious Revolution (1688-89).

History 102- Westchester Community College – Professor Veteri – Summer 2023 Research Essay Assignment #1 due Tuesday, May 30 Answer one of the following questions. All essays must be at least four- five pages typed (double-spaced). The essays must be completed according to the MLA format, have citations (text references) and a Works Cited Page … Read more

History of child abuse in the U.S. Name and explain the different types of child abuse

Need slides with speaker notes on the history of child abuse in the U.S. Name and explain the different types of child abuse. Name and explain the Laws that were first created for child abuse, recent statistics of child abuse, programs that were created to prevent Child abuse, what they are, what services they provide

Rudolph Laban’s theories and his influence on modern dance pioneers

Dance History and Appreciation Research Topics-only choose one for your paper The relationship between music and dance eg. Igor Stravinsky and George Balanchine, or Merce Cunningham and John Cage The Ballet Russe and collaborations with ballet and other art forms eg. Picasso and Ravel The making of Jacob’s Pillow African-American ballerinas: breaking the mold Male … Read more

How do you think this bombardment has changed since the article was originally published in 1989?

Do you agree with Berger in his assessment that “We’re bombarded with too much data, too much information, too many images and numbers from everywhere all at once?” How do you think this bombardment has changed since the article was originally published in 1989? By definition, an ecosystem is “a complex network or interconnected system.” … Read more

Methods for improving one’s “art of leadership

How would you define leadership? To the extent that leadership is an art, what methods come to mind for improving one’s “art of leadership” now? As you reflect on the results of your self-assessment, do you believe you have what it takes to lead in the workplace? Why or why not? Do you think people … Read more

Read the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. Discuss Douglass’ life and how his quest for education aided in his journey to freedom.

Prompt Read the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. Discuss Douglass’ life and how his quest for education aided in his journey to freedom. Response Parameters * The Humanities encompass many disciplines, including literature, art, philosophy, architecture, religion, drama, music, history, etc. If you see something in the readings from one … Read more

Is there any evidence to support Kristin Hoganosn’s argument regarding the role of gender and the Spanish-American War?

The Republican victory in 1896 gave heart to proponents of prosperity through foreign trade. McKinley sought neither war nor colonies, but many in his party wanted both. Called “jingos,” they included Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt; John Hay, the ambassador to London, and senators Albert Beveridge and Henry Cabot Lodge. Britain, France, and … Read more

Analyze the key differences that contributed to more political and social stability in New England than the Chesapeake colonies.

Answer 3 questions. Each question is 3 pages each. Do not use outside sources if you do put it into your own words 1. Analyze the key differences that contributed to more political and social stability in New England than the Chesapeake colonies. Provide at least 3 examples to support your answer. 2. Analyze the … Read more

What person,event,or historical facts are associated with the historical designation?

For this written analysis you need to introduce your historic designation topic. For this assignment you will use research from your assigned parks Canada website and the Canadian Encyclopedia (https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en) website. Your analysis needs to: 1. Include the title of your historic designation topic, the location if there is a plaque, and when it became … Read more

Discuss Civil War and Reconstruction.

Essay 1: Civil War and Reconstruction Calvo AMH 2020 Due May 14, 11:59pm 15% of final grade This essays asks students to consider manifestations of American memories of the Civil War and Reconstruction. To complete the assignment’s objectives it is important for students to address the topics in a systematic, well-organized writing format. Be sure … Read more

Does the Civil Rights Act need to be reviewed or changed so that people will share any acts of discrimination against them, or is this Act obsolete?

The Title VII of the Civil Rights Act has been in effect since 1964. From the article, Employment Discrimination Charge Rates: Variation and Sources, found here https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/23780231211064389, does the Civil Rights Act need to be reviewed or changed so that people will share any acts of discrimination against them, or is this Act obsolete?

During the Great Recession, like any other economic downturn, unemployment rises, aggregate income declines, and there is a major decline in tax collections.

During the Great Recession, like any other economic downturn, unemployment rises, aggregate income declines, and there is a major decline in tax collections. At the same time, increased unemployment causes spending on safety-net programs to rise. In response to these situations, government appears to have only two options (neither good) to stabilize the national economy: … Read more

Role of religion in the Roman Empire in light of a fourth- century debate between Christians and traditional adherents of the ancient religious rites.

HIST 113: Religion and Empire Essay #1: A Traditionalist and a Christian Debate the Religion of Rome In your first essay, you will discuss the role of religion in the Roman Empire in light of a fourth- century debate between Christians and traditional adherents of the ancient religious rites. Posted in U-Learn are two texts … Read more

Activities of women activists in rural Bolivia

***MUST BE NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER CAPABLE OF WRITING A MASTERS” LEVEL PAPER. (11 minutes – in Spanish, with English subtitles) This video recounts the activities of women activists in rural Bolivia who are proposing a vision of community wellbeing that they argue is best suited for the peoples of this region. In part, their activities … Read more

Consequences of decolonization for international politics

There are two separate questions: 1. What were the principal consequences of decolonization for international politics? AND 2. “The end of the Cold War is unthinkable without Gorbachev.” Do you agree? I need TWO separate answers, EACH a 1000 words, with their own separate referencing. You do not need to provide full references or a … Read more

Using Lois Lowry’s The GIver discuss what features of the dystopian society in this book would be actually helpful in achieving the American Dream.

In a nine-page persuasive paper, using Lois Lowry’s The GIver discuss what features of the dystopian society in this book would be actually helpful in achieving the American Dream. Before you submit your essay, please review the following essay requirements: Is there an original title? Is there a hook? Is there a specific one to … Read more

How the civil rights movement needed both violence and non violence to achieve its goals.

I need a 4-5 page essay on how the civil rightsmovement needed both violence and non violence to achieve its goals. I need various pieces of secondary evidence from the book “Debating the civil rights movement:1945-1968” by steven F. Lawson and charles payne. Along with 3 primary sources. It needs to be written in past … Read more

Is the US an oligarchy?

Write two o more paragraphs answering the following questions: Is the US an oligarchy? Is the US a democracy? Who rules America: the majority or a minority? Review the following: https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/zxxx_662805/202112/t20211205_10462535.html https://www.npr.org/2021/06/09/1002593823/how-democratic-is-american-democracy-key-pillars-face-stress-tests https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/01/05/democracy-january-6-coup-constitution-526512 https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/04/how-stop-minority-rule-doom-loop/618536/

Causes and Consequences of The Great Recession of 2008

A paper on a macroeconomic topic is required for this course. As per your Course Outline, you are required to submit a written assignment (course paper) for this course. The written assignment is worth 25% of your course grade. Your course paper must be on one of the following three macroeconomic topics: 1. The Great … Read more

Explain the substantive and procedural protections afforded by the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments for defendants charged with crimes today.

Due process under the Amendments to the U.S. Constitution can be broken down into two categories: Substantive due process Procedural due process. Both are based on fundamental fairness. For example, the Fourth Amendment protects citizens against government unreasonable search and seizure of personal property. The Fifth and Sixth Amendments guarantee the procedures that the courts … Read more

Ethical issues and complexities involved with police officer discretion

Please do not use course hero or chegg or any site like that we use turn it and they check heavily for plagerism. Please read the instructions carefully ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I ALSO NEED 3 RESPONSES TO MY CLASSMATE’S DISCUSSION ONCE IT’S POSTED. I WILL SEND YOU THEIR DISCUSSION SO YOU CAN REVIEW IT AND ANSWER IT. … Read more

Big Questions About Intergovernmental Relations and Management: Who Will Address Them?” by Kincaid and Stenberg

After reading the article “‘Big Questions About Intergovernmental Relations and Management: Who Will Address Them?” by Kincaid and Stenberg, choose two of the questions from the article that intrigued you the most. Then in 750-1,000 words, do the following: Explain whether the questions still need answering or if they have been addressed by government since … Read more

What were some of the conditions that African Americans faced in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries? How did African Americans respond to these conditions?

Assignment: Short Paper #1 Based on the readings,* write a paper of at least four pages that answers the following questions, elaborating with evidence and detail from the readings as necessary. You must use at least three of the readings. What were some of the conditions that African Americans faced in the late nineteenth and … Read more

What do you think the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution thought about the separation of church and state or about the separation of God from government

Overview For this assignment, you will read the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and Thomas Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802. Once you have read these founding documents and Jefferson’s letter, you will write a 2–3-page paper (double-spaced, 1-inch margins) adhering to the format specified in the Course Style Guidelines document, comparing … Read more

Ways history has impacted social work

Throughout this module, we’ve discussed the various ways history has impacted social work. In this discussion, you should explore today’s society and look for echoes of these historical events and attitudes today. Choose at least two news sources to review for this discussion. These could include: Major national newspapers (such as The New York Times, … Read more

Security Threat of US Elections

The U.S. Constitution provides for a highly decentralized election administration system (Art. I, section 4.1). This means the security of elections is ultimately the responsibility of state and local election entities such as secretaries of state, election directors, county clerks along with the assistance of the Federal Government – ODNI, DHS, FBI. There are more … Read more

Write an essay on the historigraphical interpretation of “Watergate Scandal “.

Write an essay on the historigraphical interpretation of “Watergate Scandal “. 1.1: Describe how history and historical interpretations are used to explain historical events and themes; 1.2 Explain how Historiography reflects the historical context of when it is developed; and 1.3 Identify various contexts that contribute to the development of historical narratives. 1.2 Explain how … Read more

Racism in American and Mexican social status

Instructions: Please read the following prompt and review the instructions video for more details and tips on how to be successful on this assignment. You will need to cite your sources, indicate word count at the top of your submission, use the font Times New Roman in 12 pt size, and submit your work in … Read more

What do you think was the most important force that initiated changes in U.S. policy regarding slavery?

Welcome to Lesson 6! In this lesson, we discussed U.S. war goals and the changing policies of the U.S. toward enslaved people. Initial Post In your initial post, answer the following question: What do you think was the most important force that initiated changes in U.S. policy regarding slavery? Be sure to use evidence from … Read more

Braham Lincoln as president and the subsequent secession of seven slaveholding states between December 1860 and March 1861.

Use evidence from at least three of the assigned primary sources. No outside research is necessary. braham Lincoln as president and the subsequent secession of seven slaveholding states between December 1860 and March 1861. Using evidence from this week’s assigned readings, write a paper answering the following question: What was the primary cause of secession? … Read more

During the Civil War of 1861 and 1862 ,how did you respond to the soldiers’ and nurses’ accounts of their experiences in the military, on the battlefield, and/or in hospitals?

Reflective Discussion Welcome to Lesson 5! In 1861 and 1862, Americans grappled with their expectations for the Civil War crashing against the realities of military life, combat, and the aftermath of battle. In particular, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and nurses – almost all of them unfamiliar with war – trained for new roles, fought … Read more

Relations between tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy and early European colonists

In a brief essay of at least 500 words, I want you to discuss the Haudenosaunee/Iroquois Great Law of Peace. Important points to consider: How the alliance of the Five (later Six) Nations came about. Relations between tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy and early European colonists. Important points of how the Confederacy worked, and evidence … Read more