What is the correlation between, and evidence behind, market concentration and price levels?

Topic 4 DQ 1: Identify a personal economic decision that was driven by a behavioral bias rather than by pure rational behavior. Given your understanding of behavioral economics, how would your decision differ today?Integrate at least one quote from the WSJ ( Wall street Journal) with the suitable APA reference in your post. Topic 4 … Read more

Marketing-How can they relate to the workplace?

Am Studying module called “Marketing: Principles and Practices” By the end of this unit 9 and unit 10, to reflect on the topics   studied in the past two weeks and how you will be able to apply it to my personal and/or professional life.  Write a short Journal Entry to explain the following ( This … Read more

Describe the tools and approaches used in digital marketing.

  CO-2: Explain how digital marketing strategies fit into the overall marketing plan. CO-3: Describe the tools and approaches used in digital marketing. explain what is meant by direct and video marketing and provide examples. How can these approaches be developed and implemented as part of a company’s overall digital marketing strategy and marketing plan? … Read more

International Economics Question-How will each event affect the foreign exchange market

Exchange rate fluctuation may affect industries that are in direct competition with foreign producers or rely on their supplies. Specifically, international competitiveness is affected through the influence the exchange rate has on relative costs. In a critical essay, assume that the following four events are taking place: -Americans increase their travel to Europe. -Saudi investors … Read more

In a short paragraph or two, explain what is key to the operations plan and how it will execute the marketing plan. Highlight recommended changes or additions to the current way of doing business, as appropriate.

Operations Plan use the documents added to help with the operations plan: Now that you have come up with a preliminary marketing plan and sales forecast, you need to look at what it would take for Marylou’s Operatioins to execute this plan and service customers. In addition to considering findings from your secondary and primary … Read more

How will the company efficiently supply the product/service to consumers?

Write a 3–5-page paper addressing the following sections. Include headings, sub-headings, and references. Develop strategies for each element of the marketing mix as outlined below. Overview: Include an overview of the product you chose in unit 1. Include relevant information about the target market and competitive environment you identified through previous assignments to support your … Read more

Discuss how marketing strategy should be used to increase the emphasis on the customer as a means to achieve the company’s goals.

Strategic Marketing Plan SECTION 1: Company mission/vision/values or other indicators that the company is a market driven organization as defined by Kotler. If you cannot determine that your company and its products are market driven, then discuss how marketing strategy should be used to increase the emphasis on the customer as a means to achieve … Read more

Define relationship marketing and how it might fit into the mission or vision for any given product in the overall organizational plan

Relationship Marketing Define relationship marketing and how it might fit into the mission or vision for any given product in the overall organizational plan. How can the promotional mix elements use relationship marketing to increase customer satisfaction with a brand? How will the consumer buying process differ in a business-to-business (B2B) vs. business-to-consumer (B2C) environment? … Read more

The donut shop wants to focus on emailing their existing customers. They believe email marketing is best done to drive brand loyalty. To that end, they want you to develop the following communications.

Full order description: Assignment 8: The donut shop wants to focus on emailing their existing customers. They believe email marketing is best done to drive brand loyalty. To that end, they want you to develop the following communications: 1. An email about their wide array of donut offerings with a CTA of making a purchase … Read more

Describe the promotional strategy to successfully advertise the product to consumers within the international target market.

Overview For the final project, you will assume the role of a marketing executive who works for a U.S.-based company that wants to bring one of their existing products into a new international target market. You will be responsible for evaluating internal and external environments in order to create a strategic global marketing plan for … Read more

What are some of the most common forms of unethical behavior in our workforce today? How could leadership in organizations help to minimize this ethical misconduct? Explain and support your positions with relevant course content and outside sources.

For this assignment, you should focus on the reading material for weeks 1-7. Also, use our library to support your positions. The body of your paper: (5-6 Pages total in length)- Show me that you are attempting to support your thoughts with key material from our reading material AND outside sources: Answer the following five … Read more

Explore basic ethical theories and apply them to a real-world marketing dilemma.

Objective: Explore basic ethical theories and apply them to a real-world marketing dilemma. Brief Overview of Ethical Theories: * Utilitarianism: Seeks the greatest good for the most people. Marketing decisions should maximize overall happiness and minimize pain. * Rights Theory: Focuses on respecting and protecting individual rights. Ethical marketing respects consumer autonomy and truthfulness. * … Read more

Market Research and Digital Analysis

This is a Discussion Post assignment. You must read all attachments to complete this assignment. It is mandatory that you read and follow the directions. Again reading all attachments is a must and mandatory. Provide a good detailed response. Please read the attachment for assignment instruction before you bid on this order. ASSIGNMENT: Respond to … Read more

Explain the use of ROE and EPS in evaluating the value of a company. Include how to calculate ROE and EPS.

This reflection is comprised of two sections, collectively totaling a minimum of 500 words. Complete your reflection by responding to all prompts. Primary and Secondary Markets You are a new economist for a major financial institution, and you’ve been invited to speak as a guest lecturer for a Freshman Finance course at the local university. … Read more

Develop a table that shows the number of wines that were classified as classic, outstanding, very good, good, mediocre, and not recommended and the average price.

Please use Excel worksheet completed these questions. Excel worksheet with a separate tab for each question. Must use Excel worksheet, this is not paper, or essay. A: Develop a table that shows the number of wines that were classified as classic, outstanding, very good, good, mediocre, and not recommended and the average price. Does there … Read more

Writer’s Choice

Assignment Question Analyze the United Airlines events described in the timeline below with respect to its level of customer service. Take a look at the links below that will take you through a journey of brand issues for United Airlines around alleged mistreatment of its customers. March 31, 2008—It all started when the Sons of … Read more

Create a fictional company and present a marketing campaign to brand that company. Make sure that you give some background as to what the company sells and who you are trying to reach, your campaign should target that audience.

Assignment Question Over the past 4 weeks, we have discussed many forms of communication. We are, once again, going to focus this information on a specific area…Marketing. Read all of the articles provided in the content section for this week to give you a good idea of what you need to do to come up … Read more

Explain why it is important for companies to demonstrate their social responsibility through sustainability, green marketing, and cause marketing. Refer to both articles listed. Would such efforts make you more or less likely to buy from these brands? Why?

Assignment Question Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, Read Chapter 10 of the course text, Principles of Marketing adidas: Live Your Passion for Sport and Make the Planet More Sustainable, and Strengthen Your Customer Relationship by Asking, ‘What Are We Doing for Others? ’Links to an external site. To demonstrate their social responsibility, … Read more

How should 66° North evaluate fit with the US market? If 66° North pursued entry into the US market, how should they do it? What other countries might be a good fit for 66° North? Would you recommend pursuing market entry into other countries instead of the U.S.?

Assignment Question Worth 13% of final grade Descriiption: This assignment requires students to analyze a case related to the technological changes introduced by businesses. Required Materials Wilcox, R. T. & Yemen, G. (2021). 66° North: Made for Life. Harvard Business School Publishing. Instructions Review readings from unit 8. Thoroughly read the case. It is recommended … Read more

In this assignment, imagine that you have just been named CEO of a company and you must create your own administrative team. You must name six members of your team, along with a brief description of why you added each person.

Assignment Question Using the below scenario, include the problem-solving sequence, decision-making methods, nominal group, and the Delphi method in your answer. Every company or organization has a board of directors or a team of administrators to lead and guide. In this assignment, imagine that you have just been named CEO of a company and you … Read more

PREPARE A MARKETING REPORT: This a continuation from assessment 1(Situational Analysis Report) that you did on the business called Nutra Organics. Following from the Assessment 1 brief you need to develop a marketing report for the same client.

Assignment Question PREPARE A MARKETING REPORT: This a continuation from assessment 1(Situational Analysis Report) that you did on the business called Nutra Organics. Following from the Assessment 1 brief you need to develop a marketing report for the same client. Assignment Answer In continuation of the Situational Analysis Report conducted for Nutra Organics, this marketing … Read more

What is geodemography and give some reasons to use geodemography in market research?

Assignment Question What is geodemography and give some reasons to use geodemography in market research? Answer Abstract Geodemography, a dynamic and multidisciplinary field, plays a pivotal role in market research by utilizing spatial analysis to understand the complex interplay between demographic factors and geographic locations (Jones & Brown, 2020). This paper aims to provide an … Read more

Mastering Global Marketing Essay

Assignment Question International dimension of marketing Answer Introduction Marketing has evolved significantly in recent years, driven by globalization and technological advancements. In today’s interconnected world, businesses are increasingly expanding their reach beyond national borders to tap into international markets. This shift towards international marketing has brought about new challenges and opportunities for companies. This essay … Read more

Mastering Sustainable Project Management Competencies Research Paper

Assignment Question Please reflect on and address all four questions in your discussion post this first week: How do you define sustainable development? When you think of a sustainable project what does that look like to you? What is your experience with sustainable project management? After reviewing the 5 sustainability competencies, which competences are your … Read more

Strategic Leadership in Dynamic Markets Essay paper

Assignment Question Read “Global Leadership in a Dynamic and Evolving Region: Molinas @ The Coca-Cola Company” (A) and answer the following questions: How should Molinas respond to Bozer’s instruction to accelerate growth, while not “diluting the focus” in Turkey or Central Asia? Is this a mandate for change or continuity? Explain. What are the top … Read more

Marketing Strategies for U.S. Park Southeast Research paper

Assignment Question In this course, the learner-faculty connect video assignment will be used for reflection as well as to discuss your preparedness for upcoming weeks. This is a private conversation between you and your instructor, and you are encouraged to explore the concepts presented. As a regional director of marketing, it is essential for you … Read more

What is the appeal of each of your chosen channels to these target audiences?

Assignment Question While traditional marketing methods are the cornerstone of any organization’s growth, creativity, and innovation, within traditional marketing is a definitive way of energizing any business offering. By being innovative and creative in its marketing efforts, an organization lends itself to being seen as dynamic, open to feedback, and always improving its offering. In … Read more

Winter Wardrobe with the Unmatched Comfort and Durability of My Mini Uggs. Essay

Assignment Question I need an evaluation essay about My Mini Uggs, it has to sound like it is from my prespective. Answer Introduction For several years now, My Mini Uggs have been a cherished addition to my wardrobe, offering comfort, warmth, and style during the cold winter months. In this evaluation essay, I will provide … Read more

Effective Home Office Setup Essay

Assignment Question 300-500 essay on why an company should hire someone from Mexico to fill an executive assistant position. Hi D., I hope you are doing very well. Our Recruiting Team is reviewing your profile, and I would appreciate it if you could re-write your essay. Here are some important points to keep in mind: … Read more

The Strategic Role of Marketing in Healthcare Organizations Essay Paper

Assignment Question Identify an organization in healthcare. This can be a provider entity, a payor, a professional society, an advocacy group, or government agency. For the chosen entity, describe the role marketing plays as a part of its strategic plan implementation. Areas to consider in the analysis include strategy, marketing, advertising, health, product, or service … Read more

Navigating the Transformative Effects of AI on the Labor Market

Assignment Question Read Integrative Case 1.1. Two Scenarios of the Global Economy in 2050 – Peng (Textbook), pages 122-124 Discuss the two scenarios about the future of the global economy in 2050, and support your responses to the questions provided employing quantitative and qualitative variables (e.g., FDI, GDP, GNI, PPP, Legal and Political stability, Corruption, … Read more

Effective Storytelling in Starbucks’ ‘It Starts with You’ Commercial

Assignment Question Watch commercials (Starbucks: It Starts with You.), and select a commercial telling a story. In BB Discussion, create a new thread (Title: the commercial name). In your posting, write about the story briefly and how well the story was presented in BB based on Aaron Shepard article. Answer Introduction Commercials are a powerful … Read more

Unlocking the Power of Ecological Systems Theory in Modern Social Work Practice Essay

Assignment Question Each student will pick a theory discussed in this class (i.e., listed in the textbook), and write a paper about that theory using the below outline. The paper must use the textbook AND at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles. The paper must be 10 pages in length, including the title page and reference … Read more

Unlocking the Power of COMPSTAT Essay

Assignment Question Write a one-page paper explaining the advantages and disadvantages of COMPSTAT. Answer Introduction COMPSTAT, short for “Computer Statistics,” is a law enforcement management and accountability system that has gained prominence in recent years. Originally developed in the early 1990s by the New York City Police Department (NYPD), COMPSTAT has since been adopted by … Read more

Unlocking B2B Market Potential: Strategies for Consumer-Focused Businesses

Assignment Question You will post a minimum of 250 words in the textbox for this journal assignment in response to the bulleted item(s) below. The journal is a private communication that is shared only with your instructor for grading purposes. You can access the textbox on the assignments tab for the journal Dropbox. Topic: The … Read more

Evaluating Auntie Peaches – A Natural Soap Store’s Viability in Jacksonville, Florida

Assignment Question At the end of Week 4, you will submit a substantial draft to your instructor for grading and feedback. Remember, the more you complete on this initial draft, the greater the input that the professor can provide and the less work you will need to do for the final draft. Your topic must … Read more

Tips and Tricks for Website Optimization Essay

Assignment Question the topic is the way people react to alien inversion and my professor want the quote. Answer Introduction The prospect of an alien invasion has long been a fascination in popular culture, inspiring countless books, movies, and television shows. While the likelihood of such an event remains speculative, the concept allows us to … Read more

Samsung’s High-Tech Marketing Mastery Essay

Assignment Question Demonstrate why Samsung deserves to be considered an example of excellent marketing practice (focusing on high technology marketing practice) Your report should address the following three areas Introduction (15%) – brief introduction to your choice of marketing excellence Discussion (60%) – your definition and discussion of marketing excellence and application to your subject … Read more

Unpacking the H&M ‘Coolest Monkey in the Jungle’ Ad

Assignment Question What were the ethical implications and consequences of H&M’s ‘coolest monkey in the jungle’ ad featuring a black child, and how did the incident affect the company’s brand reputation and consumer behavior? Specifically, was the use of the term ‘monkey’ inappropriately racist towards the Afro-American community, and was it intentional or part of … Read more

A Comprehensive Guide for Evaluating New Products at Vanda-Laye Corporation

Assignment Question You are an economist for the Vanda-Laye Corporation, which produces and distributes outdoor cooking supplies. The company has come under new ownership and management and will be undergoing changes in its product lines and operating structure. As an economist, your responsibilities include examining the market factors that affect success or failure of a … Read more

Discuss the use of marketing research to be used to gather information on present or potential customers.

Assignment Question Q1. Discuss the use of marketing research to be used to gather information on present or potential customers. Which forms of marketing research would be best in gathering consumer information relating to the product/service? Outline a marketing research process, including data- gathering techniques (survey, observation, etc.) (Ch.4) Q2. Explain several external forces (political/legal, … Read more

Unlocking Sustainable Success Essay

Assignment Question The world has seen significant changes from 2022-2023, and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) requirements imposed upon corporations are at the center of the world’s focus right now. Examples of current ESG issues can include: racial injustice, climate change, healthcare access and inequalities in healthcare outcomes, gender income gap, food insecurity, or refugees. You … Read more

Demystifying the Minimum Wage in Papua New Guinea Essay

Assignment Question Introduction This assignment delvs into the complexicities surrounding the minimum wage in PNG. The analysis forcuses on the historical trends, determinants, government policies and their effectiveness and the resulting impact on the labor market. 1. Understansing minimum wage 2. Identifying gaps 3. Significance of issue 4. Thorough analysis 5. Government actions 6. Identifiying … Read more

Reflective Journal Prompt, aimed to help students reflect on thoughts, feelings and ideas on the ideas and concepts presented

Each Module will have a Reflective Journal Prompt, aimed to help students reflect on thoughts, feelings and ideas on the ideas and concepts presented. Please write a 2 page reflection on the following readings, using APA style. 1. Miley, K.K., O’Melia M. W, DeBois, B.L. (2017) Generalist social work practice: An empowering approach. (8th Ed.) … Read more

What strategies can businesses implement to optimize their website’s category structure for improved performance?

Assignment Question Week 3 · Brief introduction of the new product and new (U.S.) target you are proposing – just a paragraph or two. · Situational Analysis, including ONLY the following elements: o Internal Environment – Use the 4 headings from the textbook (p507-8) as your subheads. (OK to base this on information in the … Read more

Write a 500 word (minimum) paper describing and evaluating a case study in persuasion.

Assignment Question Write  a 500 word (minimum) paper describing and evaluating a case study in persuasion. The case study should be clearly described including target audience and results or intended results, and the case evaluated through analytical description identifying course concepts as they help to explain the impact of the persuasive message. APA, paper should … Read more

Write 1000 words minimum on the classic Theodore Levitt 1960 paper called Marketing Myopia. ‘Marketing myopia’ is a term coined by Theodore Levitt.

You will write 1000 words minimum on the classic Theodore Levitt 1960 paper called Marketing Myopia. ‘Marketing myopia’ is a term coined by Theodore Levitt. A business suffers from marketing myopia when a company views marketing strictly from the standpoint of selling a specific product rather than from the standpoint of fulfilling customer needs. This … Read more

Effective Content Marketing Strategies Essay

Effective Content Marketing Strategies Essay Introduction In the 1930s, the world of comedy underwent a significant transformation, one that film critic Cousins aptly dubbed the “feminization of comedy” . This unexpected shift saw women not only taking center stage but also becoming the subject and inspiration for comedic narratives. A prominent subgenre that emerged during … Read more

Navigating Challenges and Strategies in the Luxury Fashion Market Case Study

Introduction Coach, Inc., an iconic luxury brand, finds itself at a crossroads, grappling with an array of challenges, primarily a dwindling market share and mounting competition. This paper embarks on an exploration of the intricacies of Coach’s pricing strategies, the intricate interplay between pricing and brand perception, and a meticulous scrutiny of the efficacy of … Read more

The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Behavior Research Paper

Abstract This comprehensive research paper delves into the profound influence of digital marketing on consumer behavior in the contemporary business landscape. With the advent of the digital age, businesses have strategically shifted their marketing approaches to online platforms, necessitating a thorough examination of how these digital strategies impact consumer choices and decision-making processes. Drawing from … Read more

Crafting a Winning Digital Marketing Content Strategy Essay

Introduction The role of social workers in advocating for positive social change and addressing systemic inequalities is pivotal in promoting social justice and human rights. To assess the extent to which the Grand Canyon University (GCU) Master of Social Work (MSW) program supports students in developing advocacy skills, this essay will delve into the curriculum, … Read more

Crafting a Comprehensive and Sustainable Marketing Plan for Success in Real Estate

Introduction In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, the development and implementation of a robust marketing plan are critical for an organization’s success. A well-crafted marketing plan not only provides a roadmap for achieving strategic goals but also ensures that resources are utilized efficiently and effectively. In this article, we will delve into the essential components of … Read more

Mastering Effective Advertising: From Branding to Winning Campaigns Discussion Essay

Mastering Effective Advertising: From Branding to Winning Campaigns Discussion Essay Introduction Advertising is a powerful tool that shapes consumer perceptions, influences purchasing decisions, and establishes brand identities. To create compelling advertisements, it is crucial to understand the foundational aspects of branding, strategy, and creative thinking. This essay delves into the thought process behind ad creation, … Read more

Unveiling the Success of Nike’s Athletic Footwear Essay

Introduction  In the dynamic world of business, crafting an effective marketing strategy is essential for any brand to thrive and succeed. One prominent example of a brand that has mastered the art of marketing is Nike, a global leader in athletic footwear and apparel. This report delves into the marketing mix of Nike’s athletic footwear, … Read more

Culture’s Role in International Marketing Essay

Introduction Culture’s profound impact on consumer behaviors, preferences, and marketing strategies across the globe is evident in the readings from “Marketing 360: The Essentials” and the accompanying video (“Marketing 360,” Chapter 3; Chapter 4; “Marketing 360 Video”). These resources emphasize that culture’s pervasive influence extends to all aspects of marketing activities. This essay aims to … Read more

Cohort Segmentation in Healthcare Marketing: Strategies and Recommendations Essay

Introduction In the realm of healthcare management and marketing, the art of segmenting markets has emerged as a pivotal strategy to align business endeavors with the diverse needs and expectations of consumers. It is through market segmentation that organizations can decipher the characteristics of their target audience, the magnitude of the market, and the contours … Read more

In the twenty-first century, our entire experience is largely branded; complex systems of meaning shape social realities and people’s identities:That being the case, discuss the history of branding and a company whose brand you most value.

The Evolution of Branding in the Twenty-First Century: A Case Study of Apple Inc. In the dynamic landscape of the twenty-first century, the concept of branding has emerged as a pivotal force that shapes our social realities, influences consumer behavior, and constructs individual identities. Brands have evolved from mere symbols of product differentiation to powerful … Read more