Construct a service blueprint for a service provider

Instructions: In this assignment, you will construct a service blueprint for a service provider. The blueprint should include the components listed in Chapter 8. It should have all lines clearly labeled and include arrows to indicate the order of activities. The blueprint should include at least two “boxes” of support processes. Potential bottlenecks or fail … Read more

Importance of the sequence in the plot or construction of the filmic world of Yi Yi

East Asian Studies 160 Cinema in Taiwan Second Sequence Analysis Analyze the below sequence from Yi Yi (the film is available on Kanopy through the UCI Library; No fewer than 500 words and no more than 750 words. Turn in a hard copy (12pt times new roman or helvetica double spaced) in person at … Read more

Advantages and disadvantages of having standardized terminology within electronic health records for the institution

NP NURP 589 Assignment 1 Standards and Interoperability 15 % Due Week 5 1. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of having standardized terminology the within electronic health records for the institution (e.g., data collection, monetary reimbursement etc.) ? 2. Another way of looking at standards is from the practice setting. What are … Read more

Would it be better for a system to show off a poorly designed user interface or invest in user interface development tools

At times, we cannot find multiple talents in a single development group. Assume that you are working with a team of three developers with poor design skills. Would it be better for a system to show off a poorly designed user interface or invest in user interface development tools and consulting even though that may … Read more

Why the breaches occur

1. Go to: and download the excel report with data breaches for the past 12 months. 2. Select an asset (location of breached information) and analyze what incidents created the breach, what vulnerabilities were exploited and what are you recommendations security measures should be in place. Type of Assets: Paper/Films Network Server Laptop Desktop … Read more

Define and provide examples of stimulus control

Create power point presentation 5-10 minutes in length. With visual aids. Instructions: Define and provide examples of stimulus control. Define and provide examples of the prompt levels. After reading the assigned articles develop a training video aimed at training a new staff member or fellow teacher on the prompt hierarchy. The training video should be … Read more

How would you trade-off the information privacy and the public benefit?

Case Study Assignment Name of Fellow: Name Of Case Study: Using patient information to fight epidemic Please answer the following questions based on your reading of the case study. Questions 1. How would you trade-off the information privacy and the public benefit? (minimum 150 words) 2. How can you encourage positive public response revealing themselves? … Read more

Capabilities and flexibilities which benefit project managers

Project management software, such as MS Project, adds much capabilities and flexibilities which greatly benefit project managers, not only during the planning phase, but also as they monitor and control the progress in the execution phase. Please take the time to explore some of MS Project features and capabilities. A few points to guide you … Read more

Identify a minimum of five (5) eLearning tools of a similar category (software categories might include LMS, recording software, audio/video editing software, etc.

Identify a minimum of five (5) eLearning tools of a similar category (software categories might include LMS, recording software, audio/video editing software, etc. Hardware categories might include digital cameras, laboratory equipment, projection/display technology, etc.). To make this assignment more authentic, try to identify tools that have the potential for adoption within your current organization. Then, … Read more

Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning

In the Introduction and Ch. 1 of Harnessing Technology for Deeper Learning the authors present a discussion on the benefits of technology and current frameworks to evaluate how technology is being used. 1. What do you think are the benefits of technology and do your thoughts align with the opinions of the authors? 2. What … Read more

Disadvantages of using current TSA screening approaches?

Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the American government has spent more than $1.1 trillion on homeland security (Mueller & Stewart, 2011). One of the most significant expenditures is that of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which handles airport security and screening. Because there have not been any successful terrorist attacks on domestic flights in the … Read more

Would these simulators be helpful in training users about phishing?

Phishing Simulators Search the Internet for three different phishing simulators. Take the phishing challenge on each simulator to determine if you can identify the phishing attacks. Then create a table that lists the features of the phishing simulators, their ease of use, and how accurate you think they were. Would these simulators be helpful in … Read more

Is testing an invasion of privacy?

Provides thoroughly the following: • 3-4 pages (not including Reference and title pages) • Provides at least 3 sources • Provides bibliography (APA style) • Thorough analysis of the issue • Informed opinion of the issue • Graduate-level work Pick ONE of the following Is testing an invasion of privacy? Criterion-referenced versus norm-referenced testing Should … Read more

Difference between a single dimension array and a multi-dimension array.

Outcomes: Define what an array is. Report on the difference between a single dimension array and a multi-dimension array. Construct an array in an application. Create fundamental programs using concepts such as functions and arrays. Assignment Instructions: Using Java please complete the following, in this program you will write two functions. One function will locate … Read more

Identify at least six internet sites that are relevant to your field.

Use the following list to compile resources for your guide: Identify at least one index of the periodical literature in your major field (Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Penn State) (remember, this should be an electronic index). You can access such indexes through the library website ( (on the homepage under “Research,” go to “Subject … Read more

List the disorder’s precise ICD-10-CM code followed by the disorder’s precise DSM-5-TR full name (nomenclature), including severity level or specifiers where indicated according to its DSM-5-TR description.

Paper Outline Summary (A brief Abstract) State the purpose of the paper identify the chosen disorder (provide full APA in-text citation), and rationale for choosing the disorder and how the paper is structured. ICD-10-CM code List the disorder’s precise ICD-10-CM code followed by the disorder’s precise DSM-5-TR full name (nomenclature), including severity level or specifiers … Read more

All-hazards Emergency Operations Plan

Write an all-hazards Emergency Operations Plan for “Bobsville. Only the “Basic Plan” section. (1pg; 1 source). Pt II. write an ESF13 “Public Safety & Security” coordination annex on how Bobsville will coordinate with Federal Agencies in the case of a large scale disaster (2pgs; 1 source) See Attachments

Do you think ICTs make citizens more engaged in politics?

For the final paper, you will write a 5-7 page (excluding references) paper answering the question prompts. These questions will ask broad questions related to ICTs and politics. To ensure that students have exposure to the materials on most of the topics, the questions will be posted in the last two weeks of the quarter. … Read more

Properties of Digital Design

Write a scientific research paper that investigates the properties of Digital Design from its inception till today, including the advent of Boolean algebra, Logic Gates and how they revolutionized today’s technology. Five pages minimum, with font size 11 and single line space. The introduction section should provide a brief history of the digital technology and the nature of your project.  The methodology section should explain in … Read more

Describe quasi-experimental and nonexperimental

Guidelines for Critiquing Research Design in a Quantitative Study: Was the design experimental, quasi-experimental, or nonexperimental? What specific design was used? Was this a cause-probing study? Given the type of question (Therapy, Prognosis, etc.), was the most rigorous possible design used? What type of comparison was called for in the research design? Was the comparison … Read more

Create a payroll program Using java

Create a payroll program Using java Enter Name, Hours, Rate, and Gross. Compute gross as Hours times Rate. Display Name, Hours Rate, and Gross. Use Scanner class for your input and JOption as well as System.out.println for your output. Also, format your output appropriately Please submit all programming assignments: Source .java Compile .class Screenshot of … Read more

Identify and describe, at least, two SaaS solutions and two non-SaaS solutions

Lakewood IT’s management is asking for additional information in your analysis. They are tasking you with exploring and researching some options associated with their project. Management wants you to research IT service implementation options. More specifically, you must research Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions vs. non-SaaS solutions for IT service departments. The paper must: … Read more

Investigating Cyber Security Threats in Offshore Law Firms: An Analysis of the Cayman Islands and the Development of a PII Scanning Software.

I am studying a master’s in cyber security. The dissertation topic is: Investigating Cyber Security Threats in Offshore Law Firms: An Analysis of the Cayman Islands and the Development of a PII Scanning Software. I have already created and submitted the project proposal, which has been approved. Please contact me if you can assist me … Read more

Prepare a cyber security management report at Master’s level.

I am required to prepare a cyber secuirty management report at Master’s level. The assignment is to create a consultant report based on case study 5 Provide a central remote access solution for employees, third parties and partners . The report should address the following sections: High-Level Summary: Provide a 200-word summary of the client … Read more

Mixed-Method Designs

Mixed-Method Designs Review the following mixed-methods designs: Convergent Explanatory Exploratory Focus your discussion on the following: Select 1 of the three designs above for your own dissertation idea. Provide a rationale for your choice of the specific mixed-methods design. Explain the specific purpose for each of the qualitative and quantitative components.

How to compute reverse-scored items and subscales

Data Analysis View the videos “Reverse Scored Items and Subscales” and “Subscale Scoring” for examples of how to compute reverse-scored items and subscales. Complete all of the steps necessary to prepare your data for analysis. Make sure each of the following steps has been completed: All reverse-scored items have been computed in a separate variable. … Read more

Examine how predictive analytics is commonly used

Write a research paper based on using predictive analytics. You should complete the following: Examine how predictive analytics is commonly used. Research and provide examples of companies that use predictive analytics and why. Determine if predictive analytics drives more informed decisions. Why or why not? Determine if big data are driving the popularity of predictive … Read more

Which of the two SDLC models (waterfall, iterative) would you consider for the EHR development and why?

After you have prepared the feasibility report under discussion, proceed with next steps of in-house EHR development – Designing (list of functions to be included), Building (programming – coding and assembling), Testing (for required functionalities and errors correction), and Activation (Go-Live) – of the EHR system using the SDLC model. Which of the two SDLC … Read more

Uses of general-purpose programming language like Python and SQL

Consider your readings and knowledge about general-purpose programming language, and engage in a conversation related to at least ONE of the following: What are your initial thoughts of using a general-purpose programming language like Python to program databases? What issues did you run into? What questions do you have at this point?

How do cyber operators identify threats

This week’s discussion will focus on the threats you learned about in the last lesson. How do cyber operators like you identify threats to your mission and resources? Sharing what you know will help solidify your knowledge and introduce you to other perspectives. In your own words, write 1–2 paragraphs that demonstrate your understanding of … Read more

Why is it fundamental to build Web sites for users’ needs first? What are some ways that user requirements inform the Web development and design process?

Chapters 13-14. What is required of you is to pick 5 of the following to talk about? Each one will require a 2 to 3 paragraph informational response. This will be in the form of an essay paper. The 1st page is the Title page, the content pages you will have each section separated with … Read more

Demonstrate your knowledge of Microsoft Access by importing data from an external table and creating objects (queries, forms, and reports) in a database.

Week 5 Project Objectives: (1) Demonstrate your knowledge of Microsoft Access by importing data from an external table and creating objects (queries, forms, and reports) in a database. (2) Evaluate the results of your finished database by answering (4) questions. (1) Week 5 Project Database Information: You work for a newly opened pet grooming business … Read more

Research an ethical dilemma in health care-associated IT related to Privacy of patient health records

Research an ethical dilemma in health care-associated ITrelated to Privacy of patient health records Topic: Privacy of patient health records. Use the literature to discuss the background of the problem, key points in history that this has had an impact on healthcare, what can be done to rectify the issue, and implications for nursing practice. … Read more

Discuss the issue within one of the trends (Cybersecurity) that you deem important, based on the current state of the industry.

Your research paper should accomplish two objectives: Identify the three top trends in your industry{Cybersecurity} and your rationale for your choices, based on the resources you found. Discuss the issue within one of the trends (Cybersecurity) that you deem important, based on the current state of the industry. You will present your analysis of facts … Read more