What does one doctrine have in common with the other?

Words: 269
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

INSTRUCTIONS: Compare and contrast one of the following doctrine pairs discussed in Geisler below.

All papers are to be no less than 8 pages, typed, double-spaced, with a 12pt. font. Papers are due by Week 14.

Select one:

A. The Church (Universal) and the Kingdom of God (Chapters 71 & 83)

B. Hell and Annihilationism (Chapters 79 & 81)

C. Final State of the Saved (Heaven) and Final State of the Lost (Hell) (Chapters 78 & 79)

D. The Millennium and The Rapture (Chapters 85 & 86)

Examine the two doctrines pairs and discuss the following:
Identify the major points of each doctrine.
What does one doctrine have in common with the other?
How does one doctrine differ from the other?

Your analysis should include both a biblical and theological perspective using primary sources; the Geisler text and Scripture, along with any additional reference material. All sources must be cited properly in Turabian (8th ed.) footnote format.
Your voice is important as well. Include in your analysis why you selected the various doctrine pairs and the meaning they have for you.

Reference Scripture passages as brief as possible, i.e., “…the kingdom of God prepared for you since the creation of the world” (Matt. 25:34).

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