Write a research paper on: What are some instances of Western civilization?

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Pages: 3
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Write a research paper on: What are some instances of Western civilization?Do not alter the sentences. For each selected sentence, you will write a complete Uneven-U paragraph. Beginning from the abstract/arguable claim of the selected sentence, your paragraph will 1) move from the conceptual to the evidentiary, 2) quote and properly cite a piece of direct evidence from one of our assigned texts, and 3) build back out from that cited evidence to another abstract claim.
Noble, The Road Not Taken
The choice of which technologies to develop reflects relations of power more than the quality of the technology itself.
Noble, Another Look at Progress
Mass media and the culture industries are important factors in creating public perception around the course of technological development.
Chomsky and Herman
Even in societies with expansive media freedoms, the structure of the media industry itself tends toward an ideological uniformity that rivals the most repressive societies.
Noble, The War at Home
In the years after World War II, American industry was divided over whether management or labor would control the workplace.

The critical study of technology can reveal how new innovations and technologies are used to mask more subtle mechanisms of control. 5 in all

Part 2: Using the attached sheet of Revision Exercises, produce a revision of one (1) paragraph from the previous assignment.
Part 3: In a separate paragraph, describe the revisions you made and why you made them.
the era of global capitalism, the interplay of cultural and industrial technologies is complicated especially considering how much money is at stake. It’s like a cultural export frenzy, where Western cultural values are being actively promoted and embraced in the global south. From music and movies to fashion and lifestyle, these technologies play a significant role in spreading and shaping Western cultural dominance. Gotcha! So, There is a wave of Western culture, streaming shows or fast food chains, popping up everywhere. This isn’t random—it’s part of a bigger picture where global capitalism uses cultural and industrial tech as its tools. They’re not just selling products; they’re selling a lifestyle, a set of values that tags along with the latest gadgets or blockbusters. This can overshadow local cultures in the global south, which is a key part of the challenge you’re studying in media policy.

The tech we see taking over isn’t always the best out there—it’s the one backed by the big players, the ones holding the reins of power. These decision-makers aren’t just picking the coolest or most advanced tech; they’re choosing what’ll cement their position and spread their influence. It is a game of chess where power calls the shots, not necessarily the potential of the technology itself. This power dynamic is a massive factor in why global media policy is such a tough nut to crack. Revise this/exampe f what it it can be

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