What were the wings’ aerodynamic characteristics, and how do they relate to the accident/incident?

Words: 266
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

This module week’s discussion is going to bring together topics from last module week’s reading in Chapter 4 and this module week’s reading in Chapter 5. First, consider the various wing designs, including airfoil characteristics, wing planform, and lift devices such as flaps, slats, vortex generators, and boundary layer devices. Next, think about how these impact the stall characteristics of the wing. Finally, search for an example of an aircraft incident or accident involving a stall or spin. If ground effect could have been a factor, please also bring this into the discussion (for example, a stall on take-off). Read your classmates’ posts before making your initial post, and choose an incident or accident that has not already been used.

Answer the following questions about your scenario:

What phase of flight was the aircraft in when the incident/accident occurred? (Take-off, cruise, pattern, landing)
What attitude was the aircraft in when the incident/accident occurred? (Turn, straight and level, climb, descent, accelerating, decelerating)
What were the wings’ aerodynamic characteristics, and how do they relate to the accident/incident?
What could have been done differently to prevent this accident/incident?

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