What two measurements do we need to estimate dinosaur walking or running speed?

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Pages: 2
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What two measurements do we need to estimate dinosaur walking or running speed?
The links above contain the materials you will need to calculate the speed of a Dinosaur using the measurements of foot size, stride length and the Alexander formula. This will allow you to demonstrate your progress toward acquiring math skills,used in everyday life, by using graphs, simple computations such as averaging scale and metric conversions and formulas, to accomplish a task, The briefing document should be read completely before starting.

The Footprint Comparison document will allow you to determine from the shape of the footprints, which type of dinosaur you are dealing with by comparing the the pictures illustrated on the footprints for exercise document. The dimensionless speed graph will be used once you have calculated the relative stride length.Note the graph is rotated such that the X axis is across the top and the Y axis is to your Left.If youprint it out than simply rotate it so that the X axis is to the left and Dinmensionless speed is at the bottom.Find the relative stride lenght you calculated on the Y axis, read(draw a line horizontal to the X axis until you touch the Diagonal line on the graph (do not use the example shown, this is just for illustration). Now read strait dowm to the X axis (at the bottom) that is your value for dimensionless speed. The final document, the Trackway Data Sheet is what you will record your calculations on and submit for grading

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