What made Peter Abelard’s teaching method unique in the 12th century?

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this has three parts answer the professor questions with references with thesis. Second you must ask a question that has a description of its own. and reply to 2 students. professor question: How did politics, education, and religion impact each other during the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries?

Reworded Complete Chapter 11 Questions: How did politics (the general growth of bureaucratic institutions and stronger, more centralized monarchies as well as city governments), education (the rise of universities and the increasing importance of new learning), and religion (whether to support war or the arts) impact each other during the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries? Include at least 2 primary sources to support your answer. student questions: must answer with detailed description student 1 Mark:What made Peter Abelard’s teaching method unique in the 12th century? student 2 Patricia: Why was the church opposed to Henry and how did this affect politics and religion in England?

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