WAN designs vary depending how an organization wants to connect to their ISP. In urban areas as well as medium to large cities need metro ethernet, MPLS and internet VPNS to connect parts of the organization across large cities or large states. Organizations LANs can use MPLS, VPNs and metro ethernet to connect to primary WAN ISPs that you have seen commercials and emails about.
Part 2: Technologies Supporting Cloud Computing
Write a minimum 2-page, double-spaced paper on server virtualization technologies that support cloud computing. Research and provide an example of a company using virtualization for their cloud computing solution.
Include at least 3 references and include those references in your paragraphs through in-text citations.
Written Portion Requirements
The written portion contains sufficient information to adequately address the questions and is free from grammar and spelling errors. The paper will be provided in current APA format. Screenshots and any diagrams do not count towards the length requirement.
For assistance with APA requirements, please use the resources provided in the Academic Tools section of the course.
Review the policy on plagiarism. This policy will be strictly enforced on all applicable labs, and discussion posts. If you have any questions, please contact your professor.
Directions for Submitting Your Lab
The quizzes you take on uCertify will be graded automatically and reported to your instructor, but you must submit the written portion of the lab to the lab Dropbox. Compose the written portion of your lab in a Microsoft® Word® document and save it as a file entitled Unit_9_Lab.docx and submit it to the designated Dropbox for this activity.
Review the Unit 9 Lab Rubric for the written portion before beginning this activity.