For your learning journal, synthesize what you have learned into a short explanation (400 words) of how you might use some of the key concepts discussed in module 7 (support with module 7 content) in your personal life.

Words: 191
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

For your learning journal, synthesize what you have learned into a short explanation (400 words) of how you might use some of the key concepts discussed in module 7 (support with module 7 content) in your personal life.
For instance, do you have a line of credit or a mortgage? How did you decide on the source of such financing and the form? Did you visit a bank and if so, how many and whydid you select the form of financing that you did? Or, if you have not used any of these sources/forms of financing, what has influenced your decision making in this area? – Ensure to state an example question to further learning within your reponse.

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