What are some of the challenges of ensuring the continued existence of small businesses as they look to maintain an environmentally sustainable footprint?

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Pages: 1
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What are some of the challenges of ensuring the continued existence of small businesses as they look to maintain an environmentally sustainable footprint? Designing for Business Sustainability. Recent changes in the workplace and the workforce have brought about a new way of thinking about “work” itself. From a business perspective, what are some of the challenges of ensuring the continued existence of small businesses as they look to maintain an environmentally sustainable footprint? How will these efforts impact the current and future workforce (owners as well as employees) that support these businesses? After thoroughly examining the issue, provide a detailed multipoint checklist for prospective business owners to use in evaluating a potential business start-up for its sustainability potential. · Be well-researched and provide a balance of inputs from leading authors on the subject, accurately annotated and referenced. · Be written clearly, with a main thesis and several supporting and well-positioned arguments/justifications, that inform the conclusion offered and work product requested

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