Prepare a case study in the following format:Can histories explain to current abuse situation?

Words: 226
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Read the following story about teen dating violence that started at 15 years of age.

One Teen’s Story of Intimate Partner Violence

Prepare a case study in the following format:

(Make sure you have four distinct sections.)

Introduction and Description
Name of victim
Demographics of victim (age, sex, sexual orientation, number of children, etc.)
Extent of abuse and who is the abuser? (Be careful in determining the abuser.)
Is there an issue with children?
Relevant history of victim
Observed abuse as child?
Was abused as child?
History of abuser
Observed abuse as child?
Was abused as child?
Can histories explain to current abuse situation?
Cross-Sectionality Issues
Are intersections describes? (e.g. minority status, ethnicity, etc.)
Are problems with intersections described?
Are conflicts with intersections addressed?
Is there a safety and exit plan?
Are resources identified to aid victim?
What is the likely or anticipated outcome?

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