Explain why you chose the confidence level from the self-efficacy scale that you selected.

Words: 255
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

For these Self-Efficacy Check-In assignments, please take a moment to reflect on your learning in the course, and in your confidence in what skills you are expected to develop in this course. I will ask you 1 question, and I would like for you to do the following:

Evaluate what your level of confidence is on the topic in the question. (For this part, you can copy/paste the correct response from the Self-Efficacy scale below the question.)
Identify 1 task you have completed in this course that relates to the question. (1 sentence)
Explain why you chose the confidence level from the self-efficacy scale that you selected. (1-2 sentences)
Share a #protip to future students or to someone in your life you think would like to learn something new. (1 sentence)
Today’s Question:

How confident are you that you can complete all the work

that is assigned in your modules for this course?

Not at all confident. Slightly Confident. Somewhat Confident. Quite Confident. Extremely Confident.

Learning Outcomes

1.2 Recognized the fluid nature of mindset

1.3 Discussed the effect mindset has on college success

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