Select a company you may want to own in the future, that you mentioned in your introduction, and prepare a professional presentation to investors justifying the use of either variable or absorption costing (you select one) for your company.

Words: 238
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Select a company you may want to own in the future, that you mentioned in your introduction, and prepare a professional presentation to investors justifying the use of either variable or absorption costing (you select one) for your company. You want to justify the method you selected as to why it provides the most useful information to the management of this company. Provide specific related examples in your PowerPoint and provide one slide using Excel to justify your selection in numerical terms.
In this case, I would like to own a full-service spa that offers all beauty services, including facials, nails, and massages.
Presentation Requirements:
Create an 8-10 slide a PowerPoint Presentation (be sure one slide is your Excel example). The 8 – 10 slides required do not include the cover slide, introduction and reference page.
The first slide must contain your name, date, and course information
The last slide is your reference list
Proper APA format on citations and referencees
Minimum of 4 scholarly source

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