Write a research paper outlining theories, intergroup interactions, prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping, and privilege.

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Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Write a research paper outlining theories, intergroup interactions, prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping, and privilege.

Goal : Apply, and summarize one of the concepts below and provide a personal relfection.

– Apply topics from the course to a subject: a book, television show, movie, music video, song, poem, or anything else that is considered media.
– In this paper, you will explain how characters, themes, or topics from the subject are related to class concepts covered this far.
Potential course concepts include: Theories, Intergroup contact, stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, privilege, or anything else addressed in Chapters 1-3.

++Submit a 3-4-page paper (not including title page or reference page; APA format required) that summarizes the application material and provides a personal reflection.
– Must include citations and references for the textbook, the subject (e.g., show, movie,
book, etc.), and at least two peer-reviewed sources.

– Summary of the application subject
o Description of the media subject. Include what it is (book, movie, song,
etc. – henceforth known as subject) and a brief summary of the plot, story, or theme. If focusing on one or several characters, briefly describe the character(s) and their relationships.

-Which audience(s) is the subject trying to appeal to? Include information about demographic (e.g., age, gender, race, class, etc.) and cultural appeal.
-Include why you chose this application subject, including why you selected a specific character, if applicable.

– Application of subject to course content:
–Describes culturally relevant information as it is presented in the subject.
This includes but is not limited to ethnicity, race, language, traditions,
religion, geographic location, etc. of the primary characters/groups.
— Describes and explains how characters or plots in the subject exemplify (or
defy) content addressed in this course so far.
Course concepts include: Intergroup contact, stereotyping,
prejudice, discrimination, privilege, or anything else addressed in
Chapters 1-3.
— Address what you perceive to be potential impacts or messages of this
subject on audiences and society at large (based on what has been learned
in class so far).

– Mechanics of the paper:
— Appropriate APA formatting, page requirement met, no spelling/grammatical errors, and appropriate tone.
— Includes citations and references for the textbook, the subject (e.g., show, movie, book, etc.), and at least two peer-reviewed sources.

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