Conduct your first meeting. Using the Breakthrough Series Collaborative Approach, this week you continue planning and begin learning. The purpose of your team is to identify an area of improvement, one that is relevant to those participating, create an objective and then collaborate together to find practices or strategies which will lead to the desired change.

Words: 471
Pages: 2
Subject: Order Essay


This week you will conduct your first meeting. Using the Breakthrough Series Collaborative Approach, this week you continue planning and begin learning. The purpose of your team is to identify an area of improvement, one that is relevant to those participating, create an objective and then collaborate together to find practices or strategies which will lead to the desired change.

At the meeting you will introduce the team, the purpose of the team, engage in a collective visioning or goal process, identify an agreed upon area of concern or need for improvement, and come up with an objective or desired outcome for that area of concern. If the agenda is too big for one meeting, you can break it into two meeting.s

Using your agenda, conduct your meeting. If it is held on Zoom, record it. If it is held in person, take pictures.
Make sure to review your collaborative vision statement.
Through a collaborative brainstorming process, come up with an area of innovation or improvement that aligns with the vision. Mentoring and Coaching Brainstorming Tools.

Something you will want to accomplish after the area of innovation has been chosen, is to recruit or assign “faculty” (See Douglass) and “researchers.” Your faculty will research strategies that can be used in the “doing” stage of the collaborative project. Your researchers will collect data that already exists. Data that tells you what is known about the area of innovation.

Write a short reflection (200-300 words) on how the meeting went. What was accomplished? What will you do differently next time? What part of the process did the meeting end on? (You can also create a matrix such as in the Boston Public Health Commission toolkit, if you prefer.)
Upload your agenda, meeting notes, reflection, and recording or pictures.

Resources for this assignment

Boston Public Health Commission. (2016). Trauma-Informed Early Care and Education Breakthrough Series Collaborative: A Toolkit for Teachers, Caregivers, and Staff. pp. 29-38 (advice for working together and assessing areas of strength and improvement.)
BUILD Initiative. Website. Community Systems Toolkit. Section 1: Setting & Resetting The Stage. 1B Building and Supporting an Inclusive Collaboration Structure.
Specific tools that may be helpful for this week include:
Setting Ground Rules
Establishing or Reviewing a Decision Making Process
Levels of Involvement in Decision Making
Community Toolbox Conducting Effective Meetings
O’Neill, Cassandra. Mentoring and Coaching Brainstorming Tools.

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