Share a brief summary of the various informal communications that you have learned about during your observation.

Words: 194
Pages: 1
Subject: Order Essay

Place of Visitation: Littlefeet learning academey
Director/Teacher: Kelly Smith
Name of Facility:
Phone Number:
1-Share a brief summary of the various informal communications that you have learned about during your observation. Did you think they were effective methods? Why or why not? (This should be written in 1-paragraph, at least 5-7 sentences.)
2-Select two methods of informal communication you plan to use in the future with families, including specific ideas you would keep in mind as you implement each strategy in your classroom. Each method should have a minimum of 1 paragraph discussion (5 – 7 sentences). (So for this part of the summary should be 2 paragraphs, with at least 5-7 sentences for each paragraph.) Example: Method 1= 1 paragraph; Method 2=1 paragraph)

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