Write a paper that goes into further detail on the significance of economic development.You need to write a briefing note in order to assess the performance of the Low income, Lower-Middle Income, Middle-income, and High Income countries of the World in terms of average health of their citizens in the last 25-30 years. I have found a series of data according to the instruction. You should first make four figures using excel according to the data. The year on the graph should be in Four-year intervals as described from 1990 to 2020.
Something important:
1. Formatting Instructions: Your briefing note should be 2 pages (excluding references and tables), single-spaced, font style Times new Roman, and font size 11-12. Please provide page numbers.
2. The briefing note should be structured into four main parts:
(i) In Part (1), clearly state the aim/purpose of the note.
(ii) In Part (2), connect the aim of the note to the relevant Sustainable Development Goal and to the relevant target(s) under that goal.
1. Indicate which four commonly used health indicators you have chosen to assess the average health performance of the country groups. Why have you chosen them. How do they
relate to each other.
2. In this section, you may also highlight one or two key indications from the relevant data on your chosen health indicators obtained from the World Development Indicators (this should not be a figure/table of your chosen data).a. E.g.: “The data suggests that low and lower-middle income countries are catching up on access to public health but this increase is much slower in country X.”
(iii) In Part (3), you discuss the issue(s) under consideration using the data on your chosen indicators and referring to at least four figures that you create and provide as attachments after the references (i.e., the figures are not part of your two pages).
1. Provide the figures in an appendix at the end – after the list of References.
2 (iv)In Part (4), you conclude by summarizing the main points related to the topic under consideration;
1. Also make at least one policy recommendation based on the Discussion and the Data.
For this assignment, the relevant section headings could be Purpose/Topic, Background/Data Description, Discussion and Conclusion. You can also write different names for sections – as long as they’re relevant.
I also provide you an example of a briefing note but in other topic, just look at how it works and formats.
Please provide references if you use any. Please do not use long paragraphs, just short sentences!! Important information must be easy to find!!
For more information, please check the files.