In what type of publication venue does the source appear (book, journal article, magazine, newspaper, database summary article, website)?

Words: 357
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

Annotated Bibliography (10 annotated sources required): Conduct research by finding at least two sources that provide background information on your issue and eight other sources that represent different positions on your issue (e.g., three sources for Position A, three sources for Position B, and two sources for Position C). Cite the ten sources in MLA format, and write two paragraphs answering the following questions for each of your sources. Each two-paragraph annotation should be a minimum of 200 words (not including the MLA citation).

Paragraph 1:

In what type of publication venue does the source appear (book, journal article, magazine, newspaper, database summary article, website)?
What is the genre of the piece (news report, opinion piece, report of academic research), and what is the text’s purpose?
Who is the author, and what sort of credibility do they bring to the subject? Also consider the credibility of the publication venue.
Who is the intended audience? (Consider where the text is published, if specialized knowledge is needed for the reader to understand, and how objective or argumentative the text is)
When was the text published, and how does the publication date affect the relevance and usefulness of the source?

Paragraph 2:

Summarize the content of the piece in a way that demonstrates you have read the source and understood its content. If the source takes a position on your issue, identify its central claim and supporting reasons.
Explain how you plan to use the source in your Researched Position Paper.
Specify what evidence or background information you will use in your future papers.
If the source is an argument, discuss how you will position it as an ally or opponent, and why.

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