What changes could support different results, or help to solve a different problem?

Words: 614
Pages: 3
Subject: Do My assignment

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:
Apply statistical techniques to address research problems
Perform regression analysis to address an authentic problem
The purpose of this project is to have you complete all of the steps of a real-world linear regression research project starting with developing a research question, then completing acomprehensive statistical analysis, and ending with summarizing your research conclusions.
You have been hired by the D. M. Pan National Real Estate Company to develop a model to predict housing prices for homes sold in 2019. The CEO of D. M. Pan wants to use this information tohelp their real estate agents better determine the use of square footage as a benchmark for listing prices on homes. Your task is to provide a report predicting the housing prices based squarefootage. To complete this task, use the provided real estate data set for all U.S. home sales as well as national descriiptive statistics and graphs provided.
Using the Project One Template located in the What to Submit section, generate a report including your tables and graphs to determine if the square footage of a house is a good indicator forwhat the listing price should be. Reference the National Statistics and Graphs document for national comparisons and the
Real Estate Data Spreadsheet
spreadsheet (both found in theSupporting Materials section) for your statistical analysis.
Present your data in a clearly labeled table and using clearly labeled graphs.
Specifi cally, include the following in your report:
Describe the report:
Give a brief descriiption of the purpose of your report.
Defi ne the question your report is trying to answer.
Explain when using linear regression is most appropriate.
When using linear regression, what would you expect the scatterplot to look like?
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Determine the strength of the linear regression equation you developed.
Use regression equation to make predictions:
Use your regression equation to predict how much you should list your home for based on the assumed square footage of your home at1500 square feet.
Summarize fi ndings:
In one paragraph, summarize your fi ndings in clear and concise plain language for the CEO to understand. Summarize your results.
Did you see the results you expected, or was anything different from your expectations or experiences?
What changes could support different results, or help to solve a different problem?
Provide at least one question that would be interesting for follow-up research.
You can use the following tutorial that is specifi cally about this assignment. Make sure to check the assignment prompt for specifi c numbers used for national statistics. The videos may use different national statistics. You should use the national statistics posted with this assignment
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Project One Template Word Document
Use this template to structure your report, and submit the fi nished version as a Word document.
Supporting Materials
The following resources may help support your work on the project:
National Summary Statistics and Graphs Real Estate Data PDF
Use this data for input in your project report.
Real Estate Data Spreadsheet
Use this data for input in your project report.

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