Assignment Question
In attempt to put what you have been learning into practical application, for this assignment, you will be reviewing an actual police investigation involving a reported attempted murder. Within Moodle Module #14 you will observe Attempt Murder Investigation Presentation – Case #19-12345.
This case consists of (4) parts:
• Part 1(A)
• Part 1 (B)
• Part II
• Part III
In an effort to simulate what an Officer in Charge (OIC) of a case has to do, I divided the investigation into (4) parts. (Just as an FYI, the actual case file for this investigation contained at least 50 times more information and medium than that being presented to you in this case). Also dispersed throughout the presentation you will find slides with Concepts for Review from Previous Chapter(s)that I have inserted to help refresh your recollection on past material that may be pertinent to the assignment.
Assignment: You are now the Officer in Charge (OIC) of the case – you are Detective Dogood! As Detective Dogood, it is now your responsibility to create the Investigator’s Report. Your Investigator’s Report will consist of a 1 page minimum / 2 page maximum, summary of what occurred in this incident. In your own words, based on your perception of the Attempt Murder Presentation, summarize what occurred. At minimum this should include what victims, witnesses, officers, units, and investigators involved said and / or did, as well as outline the incident chronologically (as it occurred). (20 Points) The final paragraph will then include your viewpoint(s) as to whether you believe the incident occurred the way Victim John Smith initially said it did, and why you feel it did or it did not. (5 Points)