Write a summary resopnding to the following questions for each style of notetaking

Words: 217
Pages: 1
Subject: Professional Writing Service

Assignment Question

Instructions: Listen carefully to “Putting Principles for Learning into Practice” and take notes with one of the following methods: Cornell Method, outline, or concept mapping. Now, listen to it again and try a different style of note taking. https://youtu.be/E9GrOxhYZdQ Select “Start Assignment” button in upper right hand corner above assignment detail box. Next, click on “Text Entry ” Write a summary resopnding to the following questions for each style of notetaking: (Must have 250 words to receive full points).

1. How well did you take notes? What worked and what didn’t? Why?

2. What were the major ideas of the lecture? Record them below.

3. How did the lecturer identify what was the most important points in the lecture?

4. If you were to have a quiz on this lecture, how well do you think you would do and why?

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