Respond Adriana Castillo replied toCarrie Gonzalez Nov 28, 2023, 7:10 AM Read Carrie, There are several everyday routine that culture takes for granted including time orientation, eye contact, touch, decision- making, compliments, health- beliefs, health- care practices, personal space, modesty as well as non-verbal communication that vary from one culture to another (Purnell & Fenkl, 2019).

Assignment Question

Respond Adriana Castillo replied toCarrie Gonzalez Nov 28, 2023, 7:10 AM Read Carrie, There are several everyday routine that culture takes for granted including time orientation, eye contact, touch, decision- making, compliments, health- beliefs, health- care practices, personal space, modesty as well as non-verbal communication that vary from one culture to another (Purnell & Fenkl, 2019). Different cultures have different practices that affect health care differently. For instance for a Caucasian is disrespectful for one to avoid eye contact. Health care providers need to improve health literacy by understanding the patient populations that are influenced by low health literacy. Barriers link communication with at risk populations, and evidence- based best practices are linked to culturally competent care. Purnell, L. D., & Fenkl, E. A. (2019). Transcultural diversity and health care. In Handbook for Culturally Competent Care (pp. 1-6). Springer, Cham.

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