Write a report to consider the operational considerations that are necessary to ensure a successful and safe event is delivered at a venue.

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Assignment Question

EVENT CHOICE IS :West End on the Thames https://www.westendonthethames.com

As an Events Manager, you are required to write a report to consider the operational considerations that are necessary to ensure a successful and safe event is delivered at a venue. Any venue and event can be used as part of the ‘Event Management Plan’ to discuss the approach to take to run a successful event.

The structure of the plan can include the following designated guidelines and required content (see below) as part of the operational considerations. • Logistical and technical challenges (including; insurance, licencing, contractual obligations, staff briefing and event production schedules, floor plans, layout, design, lighting, necessary IT equipment) • Audience profiles and target markets • Health and Safety / Risk Assessment • Financial management, funding and budget sheets • Staff training, outsourcing skills and services • Supplier Relationship Management and managing contractors • Frameworks for sustainable practices • Balancing between stakeholders in relation to the event and the venue still being able to operate • Detail on managing pricing and meeting changing economic environment (C19) • Evaluation strategy

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