What members of the interdisciplinary team have influenced your achievement towards your project goal, short-term outcome, and or long-term outcome?

My Project is about a safe discharge of patients from the hospital and coming up with a discharge checklist to help the nurses with a safe and effective discharge. My short term goal is to educate the nurses on my floor about a safe discharge Re-state your small-scale change project; your project’s short-term goal and your desired project outcomes. Then, answer the prompt. What members of the interdisciplinary team have influenced your achievement towards your project goal, short-term outcome, and or long-term outcome? How will your project’s long-term outcomes improve holistic, culturally competent care for individuals, families, or populations? What barrier(s) have you encountered with project implementation? If you have not encountered any barriers with project implementation, discuss a barrier that can occur with the implementation of a change project.

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