Write a paper on analyzing INDIGENOUS CLIMATE RESILIENCE NETWORK (climate movement), situating it within one or more of the theoretical frameworks (listed below), the text from links and PDF need to be used in the essay

Assignment Question

Write a paper on analyzing INDIGENOUS CLIMATE RESILIENCE NETWORK (climate movement), situating it within one or more of the theoretical frameworks (listed below), the text from links and PDF need to be used in the essay · institutional (local, national, geopolitical government institutions; climate accords) liberal-legal (climate justice; proving harm; “natural contracts”; carbon tax; utilitarianism) · neoliberal (subsidies; entrepreneurship; divestment; corporations and private industry) · socialist (dismantling capitalism; ecosocialism; green economics; parties and strategies · anarchic (climate movements; NGOs; constituent power; mutual aid; social ecology) · indigenous and postcolonial (Traditional Ecological Knowledge; anticolonialism) · social (ecofeminism; queer ecology; environmental racism; posthuman kinship; religion) · cultural (art; narrative; architecture; ecodesign and sustainability; biomimicry; clifi; etc.) https://www.resilience.org/stories/2017-09-29/after-the-flood/ https://psmag.com/ideas/indigenous-knowledge-has-been-warning-us-about-climate-change-for-centuries

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