Provide further insights based on your analysis results, provide your thoughts right after your analysis results.

Words: 203
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Assignment Question

There are five major questions in this exam. Make sure you answer each of these questions clearly.

Format of your answer:

For short answer questions (e.g., 1.2) that ask your insights, provide your insights as clear as possible. For questions (e.g., 1.3) that ask you to implement the code to analyze, submit your R RAW CODE Files (i.e., R scriipt file) and copy and paste the executed results from your Console.

For questions that ask you provide further insights based on your analysis results, you could provide your thoughts right after your analysis results. Ensure to submit two types of files: R raw code files in the R format and a completed word sheet with the corresponding answers. Ensure that your codes are executable.

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