Create a logistical growth function based on your birthday If birthday is: A/B/C (use 4 digit year for C) Define L(t) = A / (1 + Be^[-t/C]) t is time in years Find: a) L(-6000): 6000 BC b) L(0): 0 AD c) L(2022): 2022 AD d) L(6000): 6000 AD e) t at which L(t) = A/2

Words: 131
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Assignment Question

Create a logistical growth function based on your birthday If birthday is: A/B/C (use 4 digit year for C) Define L(t) = A / (1 + Be^[-t/C]) t is time in years Find: a) L(-6000): 6000 BC b) L(0): 0 AD c) L(2022): 2022 AD d) L(6000): 6000 AD e) t at which L(t) = A/2.

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