What theory of aging do you believe played a significant role in the elderly population and COVID-19 death rates?

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Module 1 Theories of Aging and COVID-19 Overview and Forum Questions Aging, the process of growing old, is not a disease, yet the aging process may lead to risk factors for chronic diseases and conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer, as well as debilitating conditions such as arthritis, fatigue, and frailty. Gerontology is the study of aging, and over the last 30 years, scientists made progress in identifying multiple theories of aging. Currently, there are more than 300 theories of aging. Never has aging been a driving force in epidemics as noted during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the United States, the majority of deaths occurred in patients over the age of 65, and patients over the age of 85 had a high proportion of severe outcomes. Increased rates of mortality for the elderly in the context of COVID-19 are not related to age alone, but to comorbidities, which also affect patients younger than 65 years. After reviewing the resources linked in Module 1, answer the following question based on your clinical experiences and referenced support from the literature. 1. What theory of aging do you believe played a significant role in the elderly population and COVID-19 death rates? Explain your reasoning with support from your clinical experiences and evidence from the literature.

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