Select a topic below to complete the Week 6 RUA Paper focus on Nursing and Patient Safety: Patient Falls Needle Sticks Medication Errors Documenting Errors Health Care Associated Infections Using the Chamberlain University library, search for 1 recent (published within the last five years) evidence- based article from a scholarly journal that addresses one of the topics for the paper

Assignment Question

Select a topic below to complete the Week 6 RUA Paper focus on Nursing and Patient Safety: Patient Falls Needle Sticks Medication Errors Documenting Errors Health Care Associated Infections Using the Chamberlain University library, search for 1 recent (published within the last five years) evidence- based article from a scholarly journal that addresses one of the topics for the paper. This assignment asks students to demonstrate their newly acquired information literacy and resource utilization skills to explore a concept that is critical to nursing. The end product of this assignment is a paper written following the style guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA) as learned in class. Use the RUA Paper Guidelines and Grading Rubric to complete the assignment.

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