How does your project relate or contribute to your perspective of culture, and what conclusions about the concepts we covered did you come to? How can you use this new perspective to better understand intercultural interactions going forward?

Words: 83
Pages: 1
Subject: Do My assignment

Assignment Question

Write a paper reflecting on the experiences or ideas that have been conjured up through this course. Using the questions below your paper should make some clear argument about what you have learned. i.e. How does your project relate or contribute to your perspective of culture, and what conclusions about the concepts we covered did you come to? How can you use this new perspective to better understand intercultural interactions going forward? Your final papers should be 5 – 8 pages, not counting references. Paper should be typed in 12 point – New Times Roman font, standard 1inch top and bottom margins and 1.25 inch left and right margins and double spaced. All citations both in text and on reference page should be in APA format. All papers must come with an APA formatted coversheet and reference page for your work. Paper should follow this structure.

1. Introduction a. Clearly introduce your concepts. b. Offer clear thesis and purpose statement. c. Transition into body of paper.

2. Body a. What is the most impactful concept you learned about in this course? b. Did your knowledge of this issue change based on what you learned, or was this new information? c. Why is this concept so important? d. How can you use this information to have better intercultural interactions going forward?

3. Discussions and Conclusions: Final conclusion is a brief statement, no more then a paragraph or two in which you summarize everything you wrote about and offer final thoughts about how you can use this new knowledge. 4. Be sure to cite information from text book, readings, and any other source you choose. 5. References in text and on reference page should all cited in APA format. use the book “difference matters” 2nd edition Brenda J Allen. sections “race matters” specifically.

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