Explain the benefits of using this model, emphasizing why it is ideal for Indigenous Fashion Arts (IFA).

Title Page:** – Include your name, date, course name (CFSN 105 – Fashion Systems 1), and the assignment title (“Rental Marketplaces: Systems and Influence Research Paper”). **Abstract (Optional):** – Provide a brief summary of your research paper, highlighting the main points and findings. **1. Purpose (Approx. 1 page):** – Describe the fashion rental marketplace system in general terms. – Explain the benefits of using this model, emphasizing why it is ideal for Indigenous Fashion Arts (IFA). – Highlight how the rental marketplace aligns with IFA’s goals for the Gala Event and the Evergreen Rental Marketplace. **2. Key Players (Approx. 1 page):** – Identify three key players in the fashion rental marketplace industry (e.g., Rent the Runway, MyWardrobeHQ, HURR Collective). – Examine the models of these key players and describe what sets them apart from others in the industry. – Identify three Indigenous designers and explain what makes them notable. – Assess whether these Indigenous designers are suitable for inclusion in IFA’s rental marketplace. **3. Model Description and Context (Approx. 2-3 pages):** – Describe how the IFA marketplace model could work, including the Gala Event Rental Marketplace and the Evergreen Rental Marketplace. – Provide a systems diagram of your proposed model, clearly illustrating components, inputs/outputs, relationships, organizations, designers, and professionals involved. – Explain how the IFA marketplace will interact with other components/players in the fashion system, both within and outside the organization. – Be specific and detailed to ensure IFA can implement your proposed system effectively. **4. SWOT Analysis (Approx. 1 page):** – Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the proposed Indigenous Fashion Rental Marketplace. – Present this analysis in point form notes, making it concise and easy to read. **Appendices:** – Include any images, graphics, tables, or additional materials here that are relevant to your paper but not part of the main body (e.g., systems diagram, designer profiles). **References:** – List your sources using APA style citations and references. **Formatting:** – Ensure your paper is single-spaced with appropriate use of headings and subheadings. – Use a word processing software such as Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, or Google Docs. – If applicable, convert your final paper into an Acrobat PDF format for submission. **Submission:** – Submit a soft copy of your research paper via the Assignment Dropbox before the deadline (Friday, October 6, 11:59 pm EST). **Grading Rubric:** – Keep in mind the grading rubric, which covers formatting, purpose, key players, model description and context, and SWOT analysis.



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