Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House.

Words: 656
Pages: 3
Subject: Business
Instructions: Begin by selecting from our list of readings this semester one poem or story or piece of drama from our reading list that you would like to work with. Then select your critical approach all of which are described near to the end of our text (see a linked covering Formalist/New Criticism, Biographical, Psychological, Reader-Response, Historical, Gender, and Cultural).
Submit to me a well-written paragraph in which you identify the work you will be covering, your critical approach, and a discussion about WHY you have made this selection (note, this is not an interpretation but rather a discussion of the reasons behind the decisions you have made) – and I will respond.
From this point, submit steps as you are ready for me to see them. There is no set timetable with the exception of the final draft which is due same day as the final exam.
The next step is to devise a thesis statement for your paper. What will you be trying to prove? Usually the best way to approach this is to pose it as a question. What question would you like to answer in your paper? See if you can develop a three-part question. Then…
Develop a sentence outline in which you answer the question using textual support to add to the evidence. Think of the research paper as being composed of three essays (each 3 to 5 paragraphs) plus an introduction and conclusion. Thus, for your outline, try to come up with three answers to the question (thus I, II and III of your outline), and support each answer with your own reasoning and support from the text.
At the same time, proceed to do your research, looking for five to seven (minimum) sources (books, journal articles, reference guides) from which you can pull quotes to add further support to your outline. Whenever you quote from a secondary source, include within parentheses after the quote the last name and the page number of each source. Important: Avoid Wikipedia, Schmoop and other unreliable sources (which will be disallowed once you transfer to the university/state college). Stay focused on reliable, authoritative sources. Hint: Begin by consulting the website devoted to your author. This is maintained by experts in your area and will offer links to many helpful sources. Also, our campus library has a wide collection of books and journal articles on each of the authors.

It’s time to move to our next play under consideration, Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll House.

First, read about setting and tone/language/symbol (pages may be found by referring to the index).

Then read A Doll House (starting on page 1725).

An excellent lecture of A Doll House may be found at the following link:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL3rOHqSsIQLinks to an external site.

Link to a production of A Doll House:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr3nw7CZvO8Links to an external site.

Link to an entertaining summary of A Doll House:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztTHNU_cDdYLinks to an external site.


Important: Be sure to document all secondary sources. Although I strongly recommend against using carefully monitored AI or ChatGPT or other technologies, if you do draw from these sources be sure to include proper documentation in your essay and provide a Works Cited page at the end, MLA formatting; otherwise, you will have committed plagiarism which will result in an automatic “F” for the assignment.

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