What is the Middle East

Words: 220
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

In this Essay answer the questions below after reading pages 1-25 of the included pdf:
Is the Middle East exclusively located in the Asian continent? If no, which other Middle Eastern countries are located in Europe and Africa?
What are the challenges one faces when approaching the geography of the region?
Did your research lead you to conclude that there is somewhat of a consensus on the location of the region?
What stereotypes and/or generalizations could be the result of the problematic geography of the region?
Are all Middle Easterners Muslim? Are all Middle Easterners Arab? Are all Arabs Muslim?
After investigation, what could be your own approximate definition of the Middle East as a region?
Did you know that most Middle Eastern countries are located in Asia? Which part of Asia?
Note: You are not supposed to come up with definitive answers in this question.

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