Describe the impact of telecommuting on energy conservation, IT operational costs, “green computing,” and shifts in telecommuters’ lifestyles (for example, parents, disability.).

Words: 192
Pages: 1
Subject: Uncategorized

Write a paper in which you:Describe the impact of telecommuting on energy conservation, IT operational costs, “green computing,” and shifts in telecommuters’ lifestyles (for example, parents, disability.).Describe how the business infrastructure should be designed so that employees will be able to continue to perform business functions in the event of a disaster (that is, storm, hurricane, or earthquake) that destroys or makes it impossible to access the buildings.Determine four advantages and four disadvantages of telecommuting from an IT manager’s point of view. Elaborate on each advantage and disadvantage.Examine the effect of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) to the IT infrastructure with regard to security, IT support, knowledge, and data management, green computing, and telecommuting.

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