What are the key experiments and their results?

Based on Figure 1 and 2 in the paper by Toboada et al., write an essay to address the following questions, •What is the hypothesis tested in this two figures? Hypothesis is an educated answer to a scientific question. Some of the results in these two figures help formulate a hypothesis that the authors tested … Read more

Research one symbol that is represented in religion. You can choose one of the examples in the text, such as the triangle, the dove, the circle, or light, or you can choose a different symbol.

Read chapter 10, pages 253-277 in online text Links to an external site.. Just about every temple, church, place of worship, and most religious art in general is symmetrical. Some art is composed of geometric designs. The geometry and symmetry in religious art is there to reassure. Show you they are stable, calm and to … Read more

Discuss whether the information is displayed in a way that is easy to navigate. Is it easy to use? Can you use it without instructions? Explain.

Question 1: General Instructions Mobile health, also known as mHealth, is the secure use of mobile digital wireless technologies to support health. Awareness and skillful use of mHealth applications (apps) are key to advancing health outcomes. Medscape is the app they want me to evaluate Use the Google Play Store for Android devices or the … Read more

Discuss whether the information is displayed in a way that is easy to navigate. Is it easy to use? Can you use it without instructions? Explain.

Question 1: General Instructions Mobile health, also known as mHealth, is the secure use of mobile digital wireless technologies to support health. Awareness and skillful use of mHealth applications (apps) are key to advancing health outcomes. Medscape is the app they want me to evaluate Use the Google Play Store for Android devices or the … Read more

How important is the artist’s intention versus the critical reception of the work? Which should be most important in interpreting a work?

Read Chapter 4, pages 94-127 in online text.Links to an external site. Writing about art has a tremendous impact on deriving meaning from artworks. Consider what artists think about this. Georgia O’Keefe is known for her up-close and enlarged images of flowers, as in Black Iris (Fig. 4.12). In her private letters she wrote that … Read more

Express this formula is simplified negation normal form. You can either answer the questions in the textbox below or cut and paste the questions into a word document and upload it here

1. Express this formula is simplified negation normal form. You can either answer the questions in the textbox below or cut and paste the questions into a word document and upload it here . To earn even partial credit on this assignment you must explain (i.e. name the equivalence and explain how/why you’re using it) … Read more

What is the value of studying the humanities in the field of health professions?

REQUIRED RESOURCES Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 1 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) INITIAL POST INSTRUCTIONS For the initial post, address the following: What is the value of studying the humanities in the field of health professions? How might a topic such as art, literature, … Read more

Briefly explain the best practice, justifying your proposal with APA citations of the research. Include 4 Recent APA Citations.

To Prepare: Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and the four systematic reviews (or other filtered high- level evidence) you selected in Module 3. Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and analyzed in Module 3. Review and download the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template provided … Read more

Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers.

Instructions It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread … Read more

How many times have you asked, or been asked, the question, “What do you want?”

How many times have you asked, or been asked, the question, “What do you want?” Preference assessments help us answer that very question! This week you will complete a preference assessment with a client, family member, or friend. Discussion Please complete your assigned readings and respond to the following: Refer to your readings and determine … Read more

 Create the initial steps of an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) project using your chosen topic from Week 3 and the articles your instructor approved in Week 4.

Create the initial steps of an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) project using your chosen topic from Week 3 and the articles your instructor approved in Week 4. After gathering your approved articles, you completed appraisals on a quantitative or qualitative review and systematic review in Week 6. This week, you will be using your two approved … Read more

Policy Briefs vary in purpose, scope, and length, and are typically aimed at government policymakers or others interested in reformulating or influencing a policy, program, or service delivery system.

What is a Policy Brief? Within the context of this course, a Policy Brief is defined as a concise summary of a particular social welfare policy, programmatic or service delivery issue. Policy Briefs vary in purpose, scope, and length, and are typically aimed at government policymakers or others interested in reformulating or influencing a policy, … Read more

In the analysis, explain how you will establish yourself as a leader of DEI efforts using the Scholar-Practitioner-Leader model. Avoid the use of first-person language. Write this analysis from a third-person perspective.

As a leader in your field, you will likely be involved in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts in your organization. This will have implications for how you behave as a leader. Research an article(s) and write a 500-word analysis discussing the leadership implications of embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. In the … Read more

rovide you an opportunity to develop a list of useful and appropriate children’s books addressing diversity. Start by reading, “Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books” by Louise Derman-Sparks

Description: This assignment will provide you an opportunity to develop a list of useful and appropriate children’s books addressing diversity. Start by reading, “Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books” by Louise Derman-Sparks: You will put together a book list of at least two (2) books in the categories below (14 books total); books should be … Read more

Why doesn’t everyone use the U.S. Green Building Council’s USGBC LEED publication instead?

PART 1 Both the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) have guides and courses to assist in exploring the impact of LEED certification on Construction Management Practice. Familiarize yourself with the guides posted in this week’s module as a reference. Compare and contrast the two. For your … Read more

Analyze three quotes related to your topic in your body paragraphs that give insight to the social message and cultural relevance related to your selected topic.

Write an MLA-documented essay reflecting an African-centered critical analysis of the social message and cultural relevance of any African “American” cultural-political production, philosopher, author, theorist, activist, or artist that has not been examined this semester. African “American” implies an African phenomenon produced by a person of African ascent in the U.S. Cultural relevance should be … Read more

Create an original commercial to promote staff participation in HIT change or QI improvement.

Week 7: Create an original commercial to promote staff participation in   An Original Video Commercial with Script File DETAILS: The purpose of this assignment is to create an original video commercial to communicate a recent change in HIT on any topic in this course. These topics include policies, procedures, applications, electronic health records, analytics, … Read more

What are the traits associated with people who have a need for high achievement (nAch)?

Define motivation. 2. Describe the following theories of motivation including any relevant key terms, and be sure to specify the driving force of motivation the potential effect on outward behavior: Instinct Theory Drive Reduction Theory Arousal Theory Incentive Theory Cognitive Theory 3. What are the stages in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and how do we … Read more

Discuss how one of the following considerations should be taken into account when doing capital budgeting.

Define capital budgeting. Then discuss how one of the following considerations should be taken into account when doing capital budgeting. Incremental earnings Interest expenses Taxes Opportunity costs Externalities Sunk costs Cannibalization or erosion Depreciation Salvage value

Comparison/contrast essay that focuses on both the play and the film. You might also choose to compare a feature of two plays or their film adaptations.

Instructions Since this is the final writing assignment for the course, (500-750 words or thereabouts) that will be read solely by me rather than your classmates. Feel free to run a topic by me before you begin drafting. The one restriction is that you focus on one or two of the last three works: Crimes … Read more

Country Comparison Slide Project-Political governing systems comparison North Korea and South Korea

Political governing systems comparison North Korea and South Korea Slide 1 – Title Slide (include your name) Slides 2-9 – Comparison between the two countries on the topic – you may decide whether you prefer to complete 4 slides in this section on each country, or whether you prefer to compare the two countries on … Read more

English Question

Course: This course was an English composition course, where we have done different sorts of essays; such as, cause & effect, definition, description, and persuasive essay. we had used MLA format and learnt how to write and the difference between these essays. My professor had once given me feedback about how MLA formatting should be, … Read more

Describe how the nurse is able to access the information needed to complete the protocol.

Describe and critique a protocol used on your healthcare unit using the guidelines listed below. Describe the purpose and significance of the protocol and the technologies used. Determine if the technologies used in the protocol communicate. Identify any gaps noted and provide recommendations. Identify other stakeholders within the organization who should receive this feedback. Please … Read more

Quality Improvement-Identify a process or procedure that you perform routinely and wish to improve.

Use the following steps to apply quality improvement principles in your current clinical situation. Identify a process or procedure that you perform routinely and wish to improve. Using a flowchart, delineate each step of the procedure. Identify the step in the flowchart where you would insert a change for quality improvement. Design a new flowchart … Read more

After identifying a mood in your selected artwork, you’ll identify and make use the Elements of Art & Principles of Design to persuade your reader that the artwork conveys the mood in which you identified.

Elements of Art & Principles of Design The Learning Outcome of this written essay is to utilize your visual training from the first part of this course to argue your identification of the mood of a work of art. After identifying a mood in your selected artwork, you’ll identify and make use the Elements of … Read more

Discuss what ethical principles or regulations were violated by this marketing approach.

Critical Thinking 3 (Modules 12 & 13) The Dark Side of Marketing Many companies have engaged in unethical or harmful marketing tactics, prioritizing profits over ethical considerations. These practices can mislead consumers, promote unhealthy behaviors, or even cause direct harm to individuals or society. Provide two examples of unethical or harmful marketing campaigns, strategies, or … Read more

Did you know that “Sober October” or “Dry January” were a public health effort creatively disguised as a trend!?

Did you know that “Sober October” or “Dry January” were a public health effort creatively disguised as a trend!? Discussion : Deconstructing Addiction Components for Public Health Intervention Deconstructing Addiction Components for Public Health Intervention OVERVIEW Interventions to address substance abuse involved many factors in order to address the complexity of the problem. Before we … Read more

Based on this information, you will contrast requirements that come from internal policy with those governed by external legal regulations. Additionally, you will examine how ethics and business goals influence the approach to privacy.

Overview In Project One, you will take a stakeholder role in a business that is facing a privacy issue. In that project, you will articulate a point of view that reflects your professional stance on privacy, the laws and regulations relevant to the issue, and the business implications of your recommendation. For this milestone, you … Read more

Comply with guidelines and regulations including permits, safety etc. and deliver technical files and other technical documentation as required Which work permit category would Joe be eligible for?

ASSIGNMENT Please use the below fact pattern to draft: Assessment Sheet – Blank version attached Employer Support Letter – Template attached for reference Submission Letter – Template attached for reference Scenario Company A is a large US construction company and has operations in Canada. Company A has a project in Canada with a Canadian client … Read more

The Challenges of Budgeting in Government Agencies-In organizing the paper, use your outline subheads to increase readability.

The paper is to be typed, double-spaced based on research in the United States. A cover page should include the title, the student’s name, and date submitted (November 16, 2024). In organizing the paper, use your outline subheads to increase readability. Graphs, tables, charts, and line drawings add to the readability and may be included … Read more

Using writing and drawing, demonstrate what you know about the following 4 topics: Large scale earth features

Produce three pages of quality response. You may not use AI and you may not simply copy and paste images from the internet, PowerPoints or other prepared materials. Using writing and drawing, demonstrate what you know about the following 4 topics: Large scale earth features Tectonics Igneous rocks Sedimentary rocks You may exceed page length.

Discussion: Defining Globalization

For this discussion you will analyze and compare different definitions of globalization. Definitions of globalization have been based on the economic, political, or cultural impact. You may want to refer to Career Services to help you develop plans for post-graduation. For your initial post, you will: Analyze existing definitions of globalization. Use course materials to … Read more

Given that the renter paid rent to the seller on the first of the month escrow is to close, is the seller due a credit for prorated rent at close of escrow and if so how much? How much is the buyers monthly payment, given that the loan is a straight note, when is the principle (amount borrowed on note) due?

Assignment Question After reviewing the book and powerpoint material for Chapters 9, 10, and 13, please type a brief paper answering the questions presented in the following scenario. You are the listing agent for a rental property in Sylmar whose seller just accepted an offer at a purchase price of $945,000. The buyers plan to … Read more

Your goal is to retire with at least $1 Million dollars in your retirement portfolio. Create a plan to achieve that goal.

Assignment Question Your goal is to retire with at least $1 Million dollars in your retirement portfolio. Create a plan to achieve that goal. At the top of the page list your current age and then list the age you hope to retire by. The paper should be two pages in length but not more … Read more

Prepare a research paper on the Pruitt-Igoe Myth

Assignment Question Prepare a research paper on the Pruitt-Igoe Myth. This is for my modern architecture class. Argue that Pruitt-Igoe’s failure was not solely due to the Modern Architecture design and tenants’ neglect as many believe, but it was ultimately due to government policies, failure to adapt, and lack of proper administrative control.

Analyze the impacts of the creation of a new Planned City. Analyses projects impacts in general not on a specific project.

Assignment Question Planned city: Analyze the impacts of the creation of a new Planned City. Analyses projects impacts in general not on a specific project. Answer Introduction Planned cities, characterized by deliberate and systematic design principles, stand out as a unique paradigm in urban development, departing from the historical evolution of cities. This paper delves … Read more