Consider the benefits of a free Writing Consultation Links to an external site. before submitting the assignment to your instructor.

This is a multi-part assignment that spans all six weeks of the course. Refer to the Synthesis Project instructions to see how each week’s assignment fits with the others to complete a final draft due in Week 6. Write a 250- to 300-word analysis for each of the drugs you studied this week (Amphetamines, ICE, … Read more

Discuss how your chosen modality furthers your own research goals and claims.

Complete a Scholarship of Integration project using one of the following modalities: Scholarly writing Writing to a lay audience PowerPoint/Keynote/VoiceThread presentation  (or see Presentation Tools page for more options) Video Audio (e.g., podcast, with accompanying visuals) Your project should include: A clear statement of your POP.  My POP is exploring the discipline of African American middle school … Read more

Mental health acute care collaborative care plan-Develop a detailed plan for addressing these challenges when creating collaborative care plans with consumers.

Mental health acute care collaborative care plan This task asks yOu to critically engage with the study by Reid et al. (2018) on consumers’ perspectives of collaborative care planning in acute inpatient units. Your response should address challenges identifed in the study and propose solutions grounded in contemporary mental health approaches. Structure your response into … Read more

Explain how your ethical frameworks influence your opinion about this. What to Submit Submit your paper as a one- to two-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

We have explored situations when using force or warfare is justified for particular reasons. We have also considered how peace can be achieved and how it can be sustained in the long term. This assignment will help you express your opinion about a question related to war, conflict, neutrality, and peace while considering how your … Read more

Explain what an FBA is

Explain what an FBA is Why its use is important or relevant in education What information is needed for an FBA? Explain/define target behavior operational definitions (eg, objective, measurable, and consistent), intervention plans, and reinforcement procedures as it relate to FBAs How would an FBA help a student with behavior issues?

Identify the director and any other notable talent

Write a 1200 word review being careful to: 1) identify the director and any other notable talent; 2) briefly state why you chose this film; 3) briefly summarize the plot of the film; 4) state what overall you liked about the film, giving an example of a scene or sequence; 5) state what you found … Read more

What is acceptable and unacceptable use of AI academically

The Assignment Write and submit a (single) report in a professional style, conforming to the rules (esp. on referencing) given below. Your report should answer the question on your designated country. There is a specific question for each case-study country (in this document)Links to an external site.. Answer only the one on your designated country. The … Read more

Marketing Question

Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to simulate the role a marketing professional in a brand-new startup business. This exercise will help you understand the foundational elements of strategic planning in marketing. Instructions: Select and Identify an Industry: Choose an industry for your startup business. This decision will shape the direction of your company … Read more


Evaluate the extent to which you agree with the view that resource allocation can only ever be maximised when an economy moves from a planned economic system to a free market economic system.  

Describe how you used your clinical skills and tools to create sounds assessment that led to clinical treatment planning. Be sure to discuss how you met the cultural needs of your client through the assessment and treatment planning processes.

First complete the assigned readings for the module. Next, write a 2-3 paragraph summary. In your summary be sure to highlight and discuss the relevance of the content to practice application. Next, in 2-3 paragraphs provide a case example from your practicum or work experience that highlights and demonstrates your skill and experience with mental … Read more

Write a patient care study. It is expected that participants will apply their knowledge in emergency nursing to formulate a care plan using a problem-solving approach.

Patient Care Study The participants are required to select a patient whom he/she has nursed during the clinical practicum period and write a patient care study. It is expected that participants will apply their knowledge in emergency nursing to formulate a care plan using a problem-solving approach. Suggested Format for Patient Care Study 1. Title … Read more

Victimology and Defining Violence

Victimology Question: In 400 words, what are the three key developments that arose from the Women’s Movement? Defining Violence Question: In 400 words, in chapter 3, identify and describe the six different developmental stages that characterize the typical homicide transaction according to David Luckenbill.

Patient Preferences and Decision Making-explain how including patient preferences, social determinants of health, and values might impact the trajectory of the situation and how these were reflected in the treatment plan.

Post a brief description of the situation you experienced and explain how incorporating or not incorporating patient preferences, social determinants of health and values impacted the outcome of their treatment plan. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain how including patient preferences, social determinants of health, and values might impact the trajectory of the situation … Read more

Analyze the role of theories in social work practice at the micro, mezzo, macro, and meta levels.

Overview An infographic is a visual representation of an idea that can be understood clearly and quickly. As you’ve seen in the readings, critical theories focus on power inequities. We, as social workers, also believe that it is important to involve stakeholders in solving social problems. As you create an infographic to recruit stakeholders, choose … Read more

Concepts of Argument-Identify what you think is the strongest point in each essay and explain why you think each is the strongest in the essay. Is Levin’s strongest point better than Joyce’s? Explain why.

For Part 1, answer each question with approximately one paragraph each. Part 1 Think about Levin’s and Joyce’s articles and then answer the following questions. There is no right or wrong answer to them. I will be looking closely at your explanations when I evaluate each answer. Try to use what we have learned about … Read more

Business and Economics-choose one country from the list of LIC (Low Income Countries) and one country from the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OEDC) list. The country  chose for Low Income Country is Uganda and the country for OEDC is Germany.

We are working on the first paper where we will choose one country from the list of LIC (Low Income Countries) and one country from the Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development (OEDC) list. The country  chose for Low Income Country is Uganda and the country for OEDC is Germany. This written paper will provide … Read more

Literature Review-You are conducting a literature/systematic review in which you are critically analyzing and appraising primary research.

For this Independent Study, use 5-10 primary research papers. You are conducting a literature/systematic review in which you are critically analyzing and appraising primary research. Please read the attached documents with guidelines and all the other important and necessary info for writing this literature review. Write 4000 words, not including appendices.

Exploring Digital Transformation: Factors, Differences, and IT’s Influence

Utilize sentence starters that are attached. Sources should be between 2019-2024. Synthesize authors in sentences, for example – ” Key indicators of this shift include the adoption of tools like Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and big data to create more innovative, more connected products (Appio et al., 2021; Chen & … Read more

Discuss how the item is linked to the course material and what the readings say about the topic. This also includes proper citations for all concepts and arguments that are mentioned.

Write About Syria Find and analyze a current media item about a Middle Eastern Country. Your written analysis should not exceed two single-spaced pages. Make sure to proofread and double-check your grammar and spelling! Your argument should be coherent, and your writing should be easy to follow. The rubric provides more information on the evaluation … Read more

Discuss collaboration with other members of the health care team.

Briefly describe how you spent the 25 – 50 hours of practicum. Updated Summer 2023: Your description of practicum hours includes activities in both the practice setting and non- practice setting areas. Examples of activities in locations other than the practice setting are attendance at DNP student presentations, webinars, professional conferences, health policy activities, grant … Read more

Discuss the pharmacokinetic changes that occur with aging. What are the special considerations concerning the choice of antipsychotics in elderly clients?

This reflective journal assignment will allow you to investigate areas for clinical preparation in psychiatric mental health. The reflective journal should be written similarly to a Discussion Board post and abide by APA writing standards for use of appropriate citations. Your journal should include a minimum of one reference in APA format and be a … Read more

Finance-pick one of the suggested questions, change the variables used in the question, resolve the problem and explain how your solution differs from the original problem. For example, if you increase interest rate, in the problem what happens to Future Value solution? Is it increasing or decreasing compared to the original solution? Explain why.

Chapter 6 discussion (end of chapter problems) Concepts Review and Critical Thinking Questions: 1 through 8 Problems, Basic: 1 through 28 Please pick one of the questions and solve it using your financial calculator and/or applying the concepts we learn in class.  want you to draw a timeline as needed to visualize the solution. Your … Read more

Propose how patient engagement could contribute to the prevention of this issue and how you could promote that engagement

Module 4 Assignment – Safety Analysis Presentation Assignment Task: Submit to complete this assignment Purpose: The purpose of this presentation is to analyze a patient safety concern in your practice setting. This presentation should be of the quality that it could be presented to leadership in your practice setting. Instructions: Create a PowerPoint presentation of … Read more

Describe the characteristics of a competent communicator and the methods of improving language, nonverbal communication, and listening skills.

The assignment should be a minimum of one (FULL) page with half inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right). It should be 12 point and double spaced. OUTCOMES: Explain the relationship between perception, self-concept, and communication. Describe the characteristics of a competent communicator and the methods of improving language, nonverbal communication, and listening skills. THE … Read more

Describe the characteristics of a competent communicator and the methods of improving language, nonverbal communication, and listening skills.

The assignment should be a minimum of one (FULL) page with half inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right). It should be 12 point and double spaced. OUTCOMES: Explain the relationship between perception, self-concept, and communication. Describe the characteristics of a competent communicator and the methods of improving language, nonverbal communication, and listening skills. THE … Read more

Management in Nonprofits and Other Sectors-What are your thoughts about the emerging new model concept? What would your “hybrid ideal” look like?

Managers and leaders have different perspectives on the nonprofit sector. Tell your peers what your perspective is, or would be, as a manager of a nonprofit by responding to the following questions: Describe the main characteristics and differences between organizations and management in the nonprofit sector with organizations and management in other sectors. Use examples … Read more

Management in Nonprofits and Other Sectors-What are your thoughts about the emerging new model concept? What would your “hybrid ideal” look like?

Managers and leaders have different perspectives on the nonprofit sector. Tell your peers what your perspective is, or would be, as a manager of a nonprofit by responding to the following questions: Describe the main characteristics and differences between organizations and management in the nonprofit sector with organizations and management in other sectors. Use examples … Read more

Health Promotion Brouchure- Immune System-choose a body system for your health promotion topic. For example, if you choose the skin, hair, and nails system, you could choose to do your health promotion brochure to educate the public on skin cancer: what it is, how to recognize it, risk factors, and what to do if it is suspected.

The Health Promotion Brochure is a tool that can be used to educate the public on an area of health promotion. You may choose a body system for your health promotion topic. For example, if you choose the skin, hair, and nails system, you could choose to do your health promotion brochure to educate the … Read more

Health Promotion Brouchure- Immune System-choose a body system for your health promotion topic. For example, if you choose the skin, hair, and nails system, you could choose to do your health promotion brochure to educate the public on skin cancer: what it is, how to recognize it, risk factors, and what to do if it is suspected.

The Health Promotion Brochure is a tool that can be used to educate the public on an area of health promotion. You may choose a body system for your health promotion topic. For example, if you choose the skin, hair, and nails system, you could choose to do your health promotion brochure to educate the … Read more

Consider the rhetoric you yourself use. Are there any moves (either from the master list or of your own invention) that you find yourself using often? If so, why? What rhetorical strategies do you find yourself using often, and what are ways you could sharpen or enrich those strategies further?

150-200 words Consider the rhetoric you yourself use. Are there any moves (either from the master list or of your own invention) that you find yourself using often? If so, why? What rhetorical strategies do you find yourself using often, and what are ways you could sharpen or enrich those strategies further? The previous work … Read more

Consider the rhetoric you yourself use. Are there any moves (either from the master list or of your own invention) that you find yourself using often? If so, why? What rhetorical strategies do you find yourself using often, and what are ways you could sharpen or enrich those strategies further?

150-200 words Consider the rhetoric you yourself use. Are there any moves (either from the master list or of your own invention) that you find yourself using often? If so, why? What rhetorical strategies do you find yourself using often, and what are ways you could sharpen or enrich those strategies further? The previous work … Read more

Write a five-paragraph compare and contrast essay by choosing one of the topic provided below.

Write a five-paragraph compare and contrast essay by choosing one of the topic provided below. Topic: Compare and contrast traditional versus modern medicine. Please make sure that each paragraph is well-developed and contains all necessary elements. Introduction paragraph with its: · hook · background information · clearly stated Thesis Statement that introduces the three elements … Read more

Write a five-paragraph compare and contrast essay by choosing one of the topic provided below.

Write a five-paragraph compare and contrast essay by choosing one of the topic provided below. Topic: Compare and contrast traditional versus modern medicine. Please make sure that each paragraph is well-developed and contains all necessary elements. Introduction paragraph with its: · hook · background information · clearly stated Thesis Statement that introduces the three elements … Read more

Compare and contrast traditional versus modern medicine.

Write a five-paragraph compare and contrast essay by choosing one of the topic provided below. Topic: Compare and contrast traditional versus modern medicine. Please make sure that each paragraph is well-developed and contains all necessary elements. Introduction paragraph with its: · hook · background information · clearly stated Thesis Statement that introduces the three elements … Read more

Compare and contrast traditional versus modern medicine.

Write a five-paragraph compare and contrast essay by choosing one of the topic provided below. Topic: Compare and contrast traditional versus modern medicine. Please make sure that each paragraph is well-developed and contains all necessary elements. Introduction paragraph with its: · hook · background information · clearly stated Thesis Statement that introduces the three elements … Read more

What are the facts of the case and what are the impacts (or potential impacts if on the current docket) of the decision on the police administrator?

Remember, the first post will address both of this week’s questions, and each question response must be a minimum of 500 words each and each must have have at least 1 referenced source for support (so the primary post, not counting references and or restating the questions, will be a minimum of 1,000 words). You … Read more

What are the facts of the case and what are the impacts (or potential impacts if on the current docket) of the decision on the police administrator?

Remember, the first post will address both of this week’s questions, and each question response must be a minimum of 500 words each and each must have have at least 1 referenced source for support (so the primary post, not counting references and or restating the questions, will be a minimum of 1,000 words). You … Read more

Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification-Describe collaboration approaches from the literature that could be relevant in establishing or improving an interdisciplinary team to address an organizational issue.

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, your participation and leadership in intra- and interdisciplinary teams will be vital to the health outcomes for your patients and organization. One way to approach designing an improvement project, and implementing change, is to become knowledgeable about the challenges that the organization is facing. To do this, you will interview a … Read more

Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification-Describe collaboration approaches from the literature that could be relevant in establishing or improving an interdisciplinary team to address an organizational issue.

As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse, your participation and leadership in intra- and interdisciplinary teams will be vital to the health outcomes for your patients and organization. One way to approach designing an improvement project, and implementing change, is to become knowledgeable about the challenges that the organization is facing. To do this, you will interview a … Read more

What are the differences in how juvenile crimes are handled for tribal and non-tribal youth?

Interactive Discussion Board #1 Instructions For this discussion board, you are asked to reflect on the two “tribal youth in juvenile justice system” readings to answer the following questions: What are the differences in how juvenile crimes are handled for tribal and non-tribal youth? What are the contributing factors to crime committed by tribal youth? … Read more

What are the differences in how juvenile crimes are handled for tribal and non-tribal youth?

Interactive Discussion Board #1 Instructions For this discussion board, you are asked to reflect on the two “tribal youth in juvenile justice system” readings to answer the following questions: What are the differences in how juvenile crimes are handled for tribal and non-tribal youth? What are the contributing factors to crime committed by tribal youth? … Read more

How and why did black people use the language of the American Revolution—of natural rights—in freedom petitions to argue for their freedom and the abolition of slavery?

Using these 2 documents answer these question How and why did black people use the language of the American Revolution—of natural rights—in freedom petitions to argue for their freedom and the abolition of slavery? Primary Source Documents Your essay should be based on your reading and analysis of the primary source documents. Your paper should … Read more

How and why did black people use the language of the American Revolution—of natural rights—in freedom petitions to argue for their freedom and the abolition of slavery?

Using these 2 documents answer these question How and why did black people use the language of the American Revolution—of natural rights—in freedom petitions to argue for their freedom and the abolition of slavery? Primary Source Documents Your essay should be based on your reading and analysis of the primary source documents. Your paper should … Read more

Criminal Justice Question-Explain how the article relates to your own ideas or feeling. Demonstrate that you can apply concepts to your own experiences or observations. Be thoughtful. [1 to 3 paragraphs]

Write a summary of the above news article. Highlight key points. Use quoted text when helpful. [2 to 3 paragraphs] Explain how the article relates to concepts discussed in our course materials. Use the Table of Contents of the book and Handouts to remind you of the many potential relevant concepts. Demonstrate that you have … Read more

Criminal Justice Question-Explain how the article relates to your own ideas or feeling. Demonstrate that you can apply concepts to your own experiences or observations. Be thoughtful. [1 to 3 paragraphs]

Write a summary of the above news article. Highlight key points. Use quoted text when helpful. [2 to 3 paragraphs] Explain how the article relates to concepts discussed in our course materials. Use the Table of Contents of the book and Handouts to remind you of the many potential relevant concepts. Demonstrate that you have … Read more

Developmental psychology-What interest does society have in minimizing the harmful substances a pregnant person is exposed to?

Overview More and more research suggests that exposure to substances such as lead, mercury, and air and water pollutants have negative effects on development. Here, we will focus on the many ways that developing embryos and fetuses are exposed to potential harm and ways to reduce such exposure. Part 1: Create one substantial response (aim … Read more

Developmental psychology-What interest does society have in minimizing the harmful substances a pregnant person is exposed to?

Overview More and more research suggests that exposure to substances such as lead, mercury, and air and water pollutants have negative effects on development. Here, we will focus on the many ways that developing embryos and fetuses are exposed to potential harm and ways to reduce such exposure. Part 1: Create one substantial response (aim … Read more

A cyber-attack impacting airline operations, airport infrastructure, or aviation data systems.

Review instructions and attached example file. A slide presentation is not required, just mirror the format of the attached example and include all required information. Terrorism, Cyber, and Uncrewed Aerial Threats Discussion Assignment: In-Depth Analysis on Aviation Security Threats   Task Overview: Based on your readings and research on threats from terrorism, cyber incidents, or … Read more

A cyber-attack impacting airline operations, airport infrastructure, or aviation data systems.

Review instructions and attached example file. A slide presentation is not required, just mirror the format of the attached example and include all required information. Terrorism, Cyber, and Uncrewed Aerial Threats Discussion Assignment: In-Depth Analysis on Aviation Security Threats   Task Overview: Based on your readings and research on threats from terrorism, cyber incidents, or … Read more

What information would you need to help you assess the adequacy of the protection of human rights?

Choose a research article in which people were participants. The Article must be related to unethical practices during research. Consider the issue of protecting human rights. • a. How were human participant rights alluded to in the article? • b. What information would you need to help you assess the adequacy of the protection of … Read more

What information would you need to help you assess the adequacy of the protection of human rights?

Choose a research article in which people were participants. The Article must be related to unethical practices during research. Consider the issue of protecting human rights. • a. How were human participant rights alluded to in the article? • b. What information would you need to help you assess the adequacy of the protection of … Read more

Briefly describe laws and regulations that apply and explain how your business will meet those conditions.

Section A: Business Concept: (50 points) Please describe the purpose of the selected company, including a detailed description of the product(s) or service(s) it offers to the market. Please answer the following questions in this section of your business plan: What benefits to the market does your product or service provide? How is your approach … Read more

Briefly describe laws and regulations that apply and explain how your business will meet those conditions.

Section A: Business Concept: (50 points) Please describe the purpose of the selected company, including a detailed description of the product(s) or service(s) it offers to the market. Please answer the following questions in this section of your business plan: What benefits to the market does your product or service provide? How is your approach … Read more

Describe your reactions, including what you were thinking and feeling, and/or any issues related to the client interaction.

Practice Process Recording In business, work teams sometimes have what are called “retrospective meetings” to look back on a past product launch, or another significant event, and determine what can be learned from it. A process recording, a written account and analysis of a client interaction, functions as its own retrospective. Through a process recording, … Read more

Describe your reactions, including what you were thinking and feeling, and/or any issues related to the client interaction.

Practice Process Recording In business, work teams sometimes have what are called “retrospective meetings” to look back on a past product launch, or another significant event, and determine what can be learned from it. A process recording, a written account and analysis of a client interaction, functions as its own retrospective. Through a process recording, … Read more

Identify key components of Paul McGinley’s management of his golf team – Eassy

Theoretically and practically, why are these components important? What is the relevance of a golf team to global management? What is your framework for managing diverse teams? Be sure to discuss personal takeaways.Format requirement: Maximum of six (6) pages, type written professional report in Times New Roman 12 and double-spacing. If you cite a study, … Read more

Identify key components of Paul McGinley’s management of his golf team – Eassy

Theoretically and practically, why are these components important? What is the relevance of a golf team to global management? What is your framework for managing diverse teams? Be sure to discuss personal takeaways.Format requirement: Maximum of six (6) pages, type written professional report in Times New Roman 12 and double-spacing. If you cite a study, … Read more

GVPT Introduction to Politics Discussion Posts-What do you learn about the political concepts underlying the US Constitution from a study of the Federalist Papers?

Discussion 1: Reed instructs you to choose one of Rousseau’s theories (from this week’s readings) and write a blog post summarizing and analyzing the theory, using examples from present day. Discussion 2: Reed asks you to write the section examining Plato’s conception of justice. Discussion 3: Reed asks you to prepare a brief backgrounder analyzing … Read more

Why a Rights-Based Approach to Health?

What is meant by “the right to health”? What are the key features of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights concerning health? How might one carry out a “human rights approach” to health in global health efforts? How could one encourage countries and their development partners to pay greater attention to human rights issues in … Read more

The Work Component portion of your Learning Agreement plan should bullet the additional tasks you intend to complete while writing your research paper. For example, will you complete a consultation with ECU’s Online Writing Lab?

Directions: brainstorm and then write the two parts to your Learning Agreement plan: the work component and the academic component. The academic component should include a combination of cognitive development, general skill development, and personal/professional development objectives. After identifying your specific cognitive, general skills, and personal/professional learning objectives, list 3-4 learning activities that relate directly … Read more

Discuss Ulta Beauty regarding each aspect of the retail marketing mix and explain why it is the nation’s leading beauty retailer.

After having completed the READ and ATTEND for Unit 3, read “Company Case Ulta Beauty: Where the Experience Is Beautiful” at the end of Chapter 13. Incorporate the following topics into an essay in the order depicted below using at least 1200 words demonstrating an understanding of both the READ and ATTEND sections. Select at … Read more

Discussion: Primary Care NP Role vs. APN Roles-What are the similarities among the roles, what are the differences, and how would you communicate the role to a healthcare provider and a consumer? Submission Instructions:

Primary Care NP Role vs. APN Roles Compare the primary care NP role with other APN roles. What are the similarities among the roles, what are the differences, and how would you communicate the role to a healthcare provider and a consumer? Submission Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and … Read more

Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems Implementation-How would you assure that this factor is utilized fully in the implementation of the project?

Consider the information in the readings regarding implementation of EHR systems. Stakeholders (i.e. physicians, nurses, radiology, laboratory, etc) How would you assure that this factor is utilized fully in the implementation of the project? Why is it so important? please include references within 5 years

Marketing plan evaluates the company and current environment, developing a foundation for the subsequent plan by evaluating the company and current environment.

Purpose According to your textbook, “The marketing plan directs and coordinates all company marketing efforts. It is a tangible outcome of a company’s strategic planning process, outlining the company’s ultimate goal and the means by which it aims to achieve this goal (Kotler et al., 2022). To build your marketing plan, you will acquire knowledge … Read more

Health & Medical Question-Choose 5 topics from the textbook Alters and Schiff Essential Concepts for Healthy Living

Create a Healthy Living Program Choose 5 topics from the textbook Alters and Schiff Essential Concepts for Healthy Living Jeff Housman; Mary Odum Jones & Bartlett Learning, 8th Edition, 2020 – Each Chapter of your textbook has a different topic. Choose 5 of these to address and include in your program. (Violence, Stress, Sexuality, Drug … Read more

What are your top learning preferences and what are the recommendations for how you should study and learn to be the most productive in college?

  This assessment reveals the ways you learn best and how you can be most productive. Your report includes a chart showing sixteen preferences at a glance. The 16 preferences are grouped into three categories: Sensory, Environmental and Mindset. Each category requires a slightly different approach to improve your learning and productivity. Read the introductions … Read more

Why do you think planning and supporting culturally humble practices across all domains of an organization is not front and center for social work leader/managers?

As you start to discover and read about the Four Quadrant Model of social work leadership (or any other leadership model for that matter), you may notice that cultural considerations for supporting and incorporating intersectional identities are not as prominently featured. The two attachments for this assignment represent tools/models that are emerging in social work … Read more

Human Growth and Development-Consider Jacob. Jacob is a 45-year-old man who is married and works a full-time job as a coal miner. Jacob was born with born developmentally delayed. His IQ is low, and he was in speech therapy throughout his childhood.

  You are a paralegal; your job is to review applications for a class action lawsuit. Currently, you are working to find individuals who have been exposed to high levels of arsenic in the local drinking water, negatively impacting their health and development. (Learn more about the impact of arsenic on human development on the … Read more

What does the term “race” make you think of? Are you comfortable talking about race with your family or friends? Why or why not? How do you see race as similar and/or different from ethnicity?

*Initial post due 1/10 Please respond to the following questions with at least 5-7 sentence paragraph responses per question. **Secondary posts due 1/12 You should respond to at least two of your classmates post by the above due date. Your responses should be substantial, meaning they should be about 5-7 sentences in length and relate … Read more

What does the article offer in terms of reasons to consider the “Anthropocene” as an official geological time frame and reasons against?

see the attachment file the article and Submit your written answers to the following questions. Up to a paragraph is sufficient and there is no “right” answer. What’s important is to demonstrate your thinking on this topic based on the article. 1. What does the article offer in terms of reasons to consider the “Anthropocene” … Read more

Discuss the focus and direction of the strategic plan providing three ups (good things about it) and three downs (three things that could be improved) in the plan.

After reading the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Strategic Plan, discuss the focus and direction of the strategic plan providing three ups (good things about it) and three downs (three things that could be improved) in the plan. Required: Post a substantive initial response (300 words minimum not including citations) to the initial discussion question. … Read more

Read Social Responsibility Case Study: Deepwater Wind: Launching America’s First Offshore Wind Farm, on pages 182-183 of the text and answer the following: a. How did D&S ma…

Use standard essay format and must have at least 3 paragraphs (Intro, Body, and Conclusion). Responses must be double spaced using standard font (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 point type size use A.P.A style citations. Please ONLY reference the following text:(S) Introduction to Strategic Public Relations: Digital, Global, and Socially Responsible CommunicationJanis Teruggi Page, … Read more

Personal Code of Conduct-Explain how you would communicate your personal code of conduct across the organization.

Adopting a personal code of conduct can guide leaders and managers to make and prioritize decisions. You have been selected to serve in a critical leadership position in your organization. In 3–5 pages (not including the title page and references page), write a personal code of conduct (sometimes called a personal code of ethics) that … Read more

Communication Across Teams and Organizations-As a current or future organizational leader, when do you feel it’s important to be flexible versus holding policies in place for all employees?

Communication Across Teams and Organizations Research Paper and Presentation – Communication Across Teams and Organizations: Formative Assessment 1Blog: Thoughts on Active ListeningIn the learning activity titled “Active Listening Techniques,” you read the following text: Center for Creative Leadership. (2019). Active listening: Improve your ability to listen and lead, Second Edition. Greensboro, NC: Center for Creative … Read more

In your Personal Legislative Agenda, choose from the strategies provided in Advocacy Toolkit resource that best suite moving your policies forward

Personal Legislative Agenda detailing your strategy for moving your policy through the legislative process, using the Personal Legislative and Agenda and Action Plan Exemplar as your template. In your Personal Legislative Agenda, choose from the strategies provided in Advocacy Toolkit resource that best suite moving your policies forward .”My legislative agenda focuses on improving access … Read more

Each student is required to complete the term project, which is a 17-20 page (not counting the cover, abstract and reference page) research paper in proper APA format.

Topic: Mass Incarceration ID Problem: The U.S. justice system faces issues of mass incarceration, causing overcrowded prisons and high recidivism rates. ID Solution: Restorative justice, abolish mandatory minimums, more rehabilitation. Thesis Statement: To believe that mass incarceration can be solved in the United States, is a problem that must be attacked on multiple levels. Economist terms for Restorative justice … Read more

Do you think that Torti performed an altruistic act? Use this case and think of three potential criticisms of the view why altruistic acts are possible.

Instructions: Main Post: Write a minimum of 200 words discussion about ONE of the topics below. (due date: Monday by 11:59 pm) (Part A of the assignment) (Worth 7.5 points) Note: The peer response must contain relevant content as well. Avoid repeating (even in different words) what you wrote about in your main discussion as … Read more

Leadership and Ethical Decision-Making-Describe a story of a person who has led a project or a team successfully. Which leadership theories or styles were used to achieve success, and why were they effective?

Welcome to the CTU graduate community of innovation and excellence! We hope that you find a people-focused approach to business that helps students understand who they are and what they want to become in the business world though self-discovery. A graduate degree challenges students to think independently and focus on the implementation and impact of … Read more

Conduct a comprehensive literature review on a dependent variable of your interest.

From Professor: Conduct a comprehensive literature review on a dependent variable of your interest. The review should span , analyzing relevant studies, theories, and findings related to the chosen variable. Provide an overview of the dependent variable and identify gaps in existing research. Discuss the definition, components, and indicators of the variable. Present and analyze … Read more

What common interests do you share? What most interests you about their responses?

INSTRUCTIONS It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread … Read more

Describe the expected potential outcome if the second approach had been used with the patient.

In a 2- to 3-page paper, address the following: Briefly describe humanistic-existential psychotherapy and the second approach you selected.(you can select any psychotherapy approach) Explain at least three differences between these therapies. Include how these differences might impact your practice as a PMHNP. Focusing on one video you viewed, explain why humanistic-existential psychotherapy was utilized … Read more

Create a concept map in PowerPoint or a text-only format that shows connections between you (as the center)

Directions In this activity, you will create a concept map in PowerPoint or a text-only format that shows connections between you (as the center) and the factors that influence your nursing practice. You will then use the components of your concept map to create a goal of your professional identity in nursing. You will include … Read more

The Periodic Table of Endangered Elements-What are some of the practical applications and properties of the element? What is it used for?

After viewing the periodic table of endangered elements, select one element that is highlighted as either “limited availability – future risk to supply,” “rising threat from increased use,” or “serious threat in the next 100 years.” Conduct some research on the element using The Periodic Table’s Endangered Elements (included in the attachment), and compose a … Read more

Pharmacology discussion idea-How can advanced practice nurses and physician assistants integrate

Respond to prompt with APA 7th ed format include two in-text citations from different sources 5 years old How can advanced practice nurses and physician assistants integrate knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics into their clinical decision-making processes, particularly in the context of dose selection, titration, and medication adjustments over time?

What additional information would you want to collect? How would you manage this case? What family education would you provide.

It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your … Read more

Health and Medicine-Identify and describe the learners: Staff Patient Family Describe educational setting for each learner group. Explain 3 learner group

In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA 7th edition including double-spaced throughout, develop the introduction for your project. Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper. Focus on one (1) disease AND three (3) audiences (patient, family and staff … Read more

Compare and contrast the developmental models of Freud and Erikson, and then compare and contrast the developmental theories of Adler and Mahler.

Write a five-page paper (including APA title page and reference pages) comparing Freud, Mahler, Adler, and Erikson. Compare and contrast the developmental models of Freud and Erikson, and then compare and contrast the developmental theories of Adler and Mahler. Are there any similarities between all of them? Be sure to also address the following: Compare … Read more

As the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) professional for a manufacturing company, you have just completed the quarterly inspections and have found hazards.

As the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) professional for a manufacturing company, you have just completed the quarterly inspections and have found hazards. Because your resources (both financial and human) are limited, you must complete a risk assessment to determine which hazards have a higher priority for mitigation. Use the quantitative risk assessment method outlined … Read more

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader.

o Personal Leadership Philosophies Many of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The leadership of individuals such as Abraham Lincoln and Margaret Thatcher has been studied and discussed repeatedly. However, you may have interacted with … Read more