The instructions: The examination task is to start by choosing a cultural phenomenon, which may be an aesthetic practice, or it may be an actor, which in turn may refer to an individual, a group, a work, a movement or an institution. Based on the chosen example, you should discuss the relationship between cultural creation (art and/or aesthetics), publicity and activism. In your discussion, you should also touch upon global issues. Remember to anchor your reasoning in relevant literature, from the course and any other supplementary, depending on your choice of topic. I (the customer) want you to write about the documentary “crip camp” Follow the instructions above and implement Crip camp. Discuss how Crip camp, regarding both its content and its aesthetics. By aesthetics, I mean documentary film/photo. Questions to discuss can be: How does the documentary contribute to making voices visible from an aesthetic perspective? Why is the documentary being made now and not before? Terms and theories of “precarity”, “the right to Apear”, “performativity”, “co-creation” and “the third judgement of taste” must be included.