Mass Shooting

Words: 474
Pages: 2
Subject: Essay writing help

6 pages- does not include cover page and reference pages.

You are to select a mass shooting and explore which risk factor (or factors) for antisocial behavior are best suited to explain the shooting. Up to 3 risk factors can be used in this paper. Students can write about any mass shooting of their choosing, but I would recommend picking a high-profile shooting, as coverage of this type of shooting usually includes more information about the shooter’s background and motivation.

Students are to use articles, documentaries, or video news reports from reputable sources,
including but not limited to: CNN, CBS News, NBC News, any local news station, The New
York Times, The Washington Post, The Guardian, The Atlantic, Law & Crime, and Investigation
Discovery. Please do not cite Wikipedia as a source.

A mass shooting is typically defined as any event in which 4 or more people are shot (regardless
of whether they were injured or killed), not including the perpetrator.
This paper is to be divided into 4 parts, as described below:
Part I: Introduction and Description of the Incident
 Where did the incident take place?
o City and country
o Type of location

 Who was the shooter?
o Name
o Demographic characteristics

 Age, sex, and race/ethnicity

 How many casualties?

 What was the motivation (if reported)?

Part II: Description of the Risk Factor
 How is the risk factor related to antisocial behavior?
o Describe the relationship in detail

 What types of behavior are typically examined in studies of the risk factor?
o Violent crime? Aggression? Antisocial behavior more broadly? All of the above?
o Use the textbook and/or peer-reviewed articles to support your argument

 If you use multiple risk factors, address the above questions for each factor

Part III: Application of the Risk Factor
 Why is the selected risk factor the best explanation for this mass shooting?
o Present detailed examples that tie the risk factor to the offender’s life
o If you discussed multiple risk factors in Part II, present examples that illustrate the
relevance of each factor
Part IV: Conclusion
 Discuss strategies to prevent similar mass shootings
o Based on the risk factor(s) examined
 Are there any limitations to applying the selected risk factor(s) to this mass shooting?
o E.g., missing information about a part of the offender’s life; the risk factor is not
typically examined in relation to violent crime

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