Write a paper on Narcissistic Leadership.

Words: 288
Pages: 2
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CJUS 610
Research Paper: Narcissistic Leadership Assignment Overview
Some say that narcissistic leaders and narcissistic leadership, albeit annoying to subordinates, gets the work of the organization done. Others say that the damage done by narcissistic leaders and leadership creates an unethical environment that is virtually irreparable. Here are some things to consider. What is narcissistic leadership? What are a narcissistic leader’s traits? What are the organizational benefits and pitfalls of a narcissistic leader? Study covenant leadership. What is covenant leadership? What are the traits of a covenant leader?
For this research paper, compare and contrast the traits of a narcissistic leader with that of a covenant leader.
• What is the organizational impact of a narcissistic leader and a covenant leader?
o Imagine that you were a recently appointed chief of police in a large local police organization where the former police chief was not only a narcissistic leaderbut also promulgated narcissistic leadership qualities throughout all levels of leadership within the department.
• Develop a change plan in order to develop your organization with covenant leadership principles.
o Specifically, how would you do this in a police organization? Detail changes in the organization’s mission, small changes you may make, large changes you may make, and the potential pitfalls and successes you may realize.

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