Write at least a paragraph about how the ocean relates to your life and the lives of other humans in some significant way that someone who has not taken this class could understand (like friends or family).

Words: 687
Pages: 3
Subject: Do My assignment

The Ocean and Me Homework #1: use link for topic:


in files is outstanding job and not good job!!! check it out: good one document 17, bad one: not good paragraph

Write at least a paragraph about how the ocean relates to your life and the lives of other humans in some significant way that someone who has not taken this class could understand (like friends or family). In other words, demonstrate your mastery of the course material by explaining oceanographic jargon and vocabulary to your reader, and explain processes and your reasoning step-by-step.

Your assignment should contain a detailed example of a connection between the ocean and you (and/or other humans). You could discuss how the ocean affects you or others. You could discuss how you or others affect the ocean. Or you could do both.

Discuss something of significance, something of importance or of practical value. A discussion of how the ocean is important to humans because you enjoy surfing or visiting tide pools or taking strolls along a beautiful shoreline will not be satisfactory examples of a significant connection between humans and the ocean. These are connections between humans and the ocean, but we have learned about many more important ways in which the ocean affects our lives or we affect the ocean, so choose one of them. That being said, it would be appropriate to explain why a particular spot has good surfing and how this benefits the local economy and tourism industry. It also would be appropriate to discuss how and why particular coastal features are useful to humans, and how or why they are present in a place.

I strongly recommend that you do NOT discuss a topic until we have covered it in the class. For example, overfishing is a great topic, but we do not study it until close to the end of the semester, so I recommend saving it for Ocean & Me #4 or #5.

As you write, remember that your audience is someone who has not taken the class. Write as if you were talking to a family member or friends. (Perhaps show family and friends what you’ve written?) Help them understand by explaining oceanography vocabulary and concepts. For example, if you discuss things like phytoplankton, zooplankton, nutrients, photosynthesis, sediments, heat capacity, density, lithosphere, mantle, trench, mid-ocean ridge, subduction, and so on, you need to include explanations of what these are or mean.

Click here to look at an example of an “outstanding” homework added in files assignment and an example of an “unsatisfactory” homework assignment, as well as a discussion of why one is “outstanding” and the other is “unsatisfactory.”

Note: It is OK to use diagrams, but you are NOT required to do so in this assignment. Do you know the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words”? That may be true, but in this assignment, you have to explain what is happening in any diagram (picture) that you use. The diagram (picture) is just one element of your explanation, not a substitute for your explanation. Oh, and do NOT forget to say where you got the diagram from if you did not create it yourself. You should always identify when work is NOT your own. Otherwise, you will leave the impression that the work is yours, and thus you have plagiarized (copied).

The penalties for plagiarism are severe in both this class and in the college: 0 points on the assignment! A few plagiarized phrases or sentences here and there will result in a score of zero and thus undo all of your hard work.

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