Discuss the War for Texas Independence and the Mexican-American War.

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The following readings will provide some added context to this period. The first is an excerpt from Chapter 6 of American Yawp. The BIG thing to look at in this chapter are the causes for the events of Shay’s Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion and how that fits into the discussion of who should participate in the New Republic of the USA. The next article is from Britannica Encyclopedia Website that gives an entry of the events of the rule of Iturbide to his decline. The BIG thing to consider is why Iturbide was deposed and the rise of political influence of General Santa Anna. General Santa Anna will have a major role when we discuss the War for Texas Independence and the Mexican-American War. American Yawp Chapter 6: A New NationLinks to an external site. Britannica: Mexico – IndependenceLinks to an external site. PART 2: Read the following articles related to Mod 1 Part 1. The first two readings are excerpts from American Yawp. Sec V looks at attitudes Anglo Americans had towards Indigenous peoples and Indigenous resistance, led by Tecumseh, against the invasion of the USA. Sec VI gives more detail if the events of the War of 1812. While the US was dealing with their political troubles, so was Mexico during the Early National Period. The ThoughtCo article gives a general overview of caudillos and their influence in Latin America. The JSTOR Daily article looks at wealth and status of free Blacks in early 19th-century New Orleans prior to the acquisition by the USA. The last article looks at an interesting topic of Anglo Americans and their claim to Native American ancestry and the problematic nature of it. Excerpts from American Yawp: Ch. 7 sec V Native American Power and the United StatesLinks to an external site. Ch. 7 sec VI The War of 1812Links to an external site. ThoughtCo: What Is Caudillismo? Definition and Examples in Latin American HistoryLinks to an external site. JSTOR Daily: The Free People of Color of Pre-Civil War New OrleansLinks to an external site. Huff Post Article: Why White Americans Love To Claim Native Ancestry PART 1: The following video looks at the reign of Mexico’s First Emperor and this quick demise from national hero to exile. PART 2: The following video clips will look at Indigenous resistance in North America, with Tecumseh and the War of 1812 and the Maya Caste War in Mexico. And yes, the Maya are still around, as are other Indigenous groups in the continental USA. The Caste War Overview Tecumseh and the War of 1812 (view from 21:00 – 46:13) Refection Write 1 paragraph for each question (4 -6 sentences / 250 + word count). Use parenthetical citations when referencing the lecture PPT, for example use (Mod 12) for Module 12 lecture and reference the name of the reading articles and the title of the video clips when citing those resources. What did you find most interesting/thought-provoking/upsetting? How does this module connect to current events/issues? How does this module connect to you? (this is not a literal question and even if you think it does not, it does, this is where your critical thinking cap comes in. Think of gender roles, race, class, job specialization, trade as in shopping, consumerism, and technology) Content Check Write 1 paragraph for each question (4 -6 sentences / 250 + word count). Identify the similarities and differences between the USA and Mexico during the Early National Period?

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