Write a research paper on a brief history of how your field evolved into one of the disciplines whose ideas forensic science practitioners use.
A title page with the title of your approved research paper topic, the name of the class, the date of submission, and your name.
An introduction where you provide a brief overview of what the paper is about and why it relates to the work of forensic investigators.
A brief history of how your topic became one of the disciplines whose principles are applied by forensic science professionals.
An explanation of the science behind your topic choice. How does it work and what are the areas that it affects? How are its findings used by members of the criminal justice system?
Two real-world examples that showcase the current state of the art in your topic area.
A separate page with at least ten (10) references to reliable information sources, of which three (3) must be peer-reviewed scholarly articles. References should be in APA format.
Research Paper Format:
Paper length: 1000-1250 words, double-spaced. Neither the title page nor the list of references counts toward the total word count.
Margins: 1 inch.
Font: Times New Roman or Calibri, font size 12. Use black text and white background.
Research Paper Content:
Your paper should reflect a depth of knowledge of the subject matter. The assigned reading in the course is designed to provide foundational information in forensic biology. In this research project, you should build on that foundation and find 10 references as your sources of information to write your paper.
Please consult the grading rubric at the end of the research paper section for all the parameters that apply to your paper, including clarity, accuracy, and relevancy of content, proper use of the English language, and properly cited and reliable information sources.
Note that your assignment should be fully paraphrased in your own words, in your own style of writing and structure. Avoid just changing a few words in a sentence copied from an information source because it is not considered proper paraphrasing of material written by another person.
If you are quoting the words of another person directly, quotation marks need to be added before and after the copied text, followed by an in-text citation. A general rule of thumb is no more than 10% direct quotes in an assignment.
Key Notes:
1. Attached is an outline of what is expected in the paper.
2. DO NOT just focus on the OJ Simpson case. Please use another case as well. there should the TWO cases included.