Financial Statement Analysis Project on Nike inc.

Words: 232
Pages: 1
Subject: Business

For NIKE Inc.
Financial Statement Presentation and Analysis Project
Select a publicly traded corporation (a stock that can be bought and sold on a public stock exchange; see me with questions); double check on the Google Sheet (see below) to be sure that no one has selected the company.
Prepare a Powerpoint Presentation, six slides long, addressing the following:
1. Page 1 – Cover Page
2. Page 2 – Report on Financial Performance: At least 3 bullet points summarizing company’s financial performance
3. Page 3 – Liquidity / Solvency Analysis: Choose at least two measures and compute/compare to prior period (examples: this year to last year, 1Q’24 vs. 4Q’23, 1Q’24 vs. 1Q’23); include comments concluding on the calculations
4. Page 4 – Profitability Analysis: Choose at least two measures and compute/compare to prior period; include comments.
5. Page 5 – Horiziontal or Vertical Analysis: Choose at least five financial statement categories vs. prior period; include comments.
6. Outlook for the future: At least three bullet points addressing the company’s outlook.

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