Write a research paper on “What is the opposite of an economic slowdown?”

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Write a research paper on “What is the opposite of an economic slowdown?”

In 1985, it was decided to devalue the U.S. dollar, raising the price of the yen and closing the trade deficit. The Bank of Japan was concerned about other countries growing stocks, so they had decided to increase theirs in 1989. This action plummeted the monetary system in 1990, causing Japan to lose money, putting them in a deep financial crisis. “Economic slowdown” also happened because of the working population getting older; This population consists of boomers – the largest generation (Econdeclassified, 2021).
Rent had become so high in the 1990s that tenants could not even pay for the buildings that were built in the 1980s. There were even large business loans that were not fully paid back to the banks, making them lose money. When the bubble began to burst, someone said that that “office buildings were empty”, “companies were not hiring as before, and that a downward spiral had begun” (Suleski, 1999).

In 1995, Japan had experienced the Kobe earthquake and fires that left the residents without food and shelter, but instead of the government providing them with shelter and needs, they had to buy it themselves. From what I have read, this earthquake seems like it left the residents in a bind and caused the government to put itself in a hole it could not get out of. Suleski (1999) stated, “The Japanese public was by this time thoroughly discouraged with its government and business institutions, the pillars that had produced the country’s economic strength.”
Colombo shared an article about the “Economic Miracle” that was Japan, writing about the Nikkei stock, the “lost decades”, and the economic crash. He did state that it was “[o]verconfidence and the Bank of Japan’s loose monetary policy” that pushed prices of real estate and stocks to ridiculous levels (Colombo, n.d.).
Colombo, Jesse. Japan’s bubble economy of the 1980s. Way Back Machine. (n.d.). https://web.archive.org/web/20130216231741/http://www.thebubblebubble.com/japan-bubble/.
Econdeclassified. Japan: The miracle that faded away. Economics Declassified. (2021). https://economicsdeclassified.wordpress.com/2021/01/01/japan-the-miracle-that-faded-away/.
Suleski, R. Japan after the bubble burst: Traditional values inhibit quick comeback. (1999). https://quod.lib.umich.edu/j/jii/4750978.0006.303/–japan-after-the-bubble-burst-traditional-values-inhibit?rgn=main;view=fullte


Japan was riding high in the 1980s as an economic superpower. Then the bottom fell out putting Japan through the “lost decades” of economic slowdown and malaise. What happened? And why? Was there anything about this crash, and the factors that led to it, that was uniquely Japanese?

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