What did you learn from the experience of not meeting an objective?

Words: 490
Pages: 2
Subject: Do My assignment

The written report analyzes project outcomes, results and conclusions. This report does not need to repeat material from your Midterm Paper, but the report should flow seamlessly directly from your midterm paper. Address the following questions in the written report:

Abstract (150 words or less, on a separate page)
Title of Project [this should be a title your group creates not simply the name of the organization you are working with]
Names of your group members
Body of Abstract
Organization you partnered with and primary objective of the project
Primary tasks you accomplished
Brief summary of outcome (s) and impact of the project
Lessons learned (in one sentence)
In direct response to the goals and objectives in your Midterm Paper, describe and analyze SMARTER goals met and those not met
Which SMARTER goals/objectives were met?
Which SMARTER goals/objectives were not met?

Analyze your SMARTER goals/objectives that were met
Describe why you were successful
What lessons did you learn from project successes?
Analyze your SMARTER goals/objectives that were not met
Why were certain objectives not met?
What did you learn from the experience of not meeting an objective?
Implications. Relate your project outcomes/findings to the organization, constituents/clients, policy, social work knowledge and practice
Policy/Organization Implications. Describe and analyze how your project outcomes might influence either social policy, organizational policy or both?
Knowledge Implications.
How did your outcomes reinforce (or contradict) prior theory, research, and practice?
How did your project outcomes build on prior knowledge or contribute to new knowledge?
F. Ethical Issues & Freireian Lens
1. In relation to the ethics section in your Midterm Paper, describe and analyze any ethical issues that emerged during the project (especially ones you did not

2. Discuss results in terms of Grassroots (True) and Elite (False) Generosity. Were you able to move the project in the direction of True Generosity? If so, how? If not, how might you improve on this if you did this again and could change things to make it more True Generosity?

Dissemination. Describe how your project results and deliverables were disseminated to your sponsor and key stakeholders (where applicable)
Lessons Learned/Suggestions. Summarize lessons learned and suggestions for improving the project if it were to be repeated.
Appendix (must include the following)
A copy of a thank you letter from your group to your primary community partner supervisor/liaison thanking them for the time, attention, and learning experience they helped provide to your group

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