Prepare the ethical considerations related to the decision. Identify the stakeholders affected by this decision and discuss how the decision affected them.

Words: 78
Pages: 1
Subject: Business

Prepare the ethical considerations related to the decision. Identify the stakeholders affected by this decision and discuss how the decision affected them. Then evaluate the organization’s actions from an ethical point of view. Explain why the organization has or has not acted ethically and explain what, if anything, the organization should have done differently.

To ensure immediate feedback, please submit a response between 500 and 1000 words, APA formatted when applicable, double,e- spa,ced and a minimum of 3 references. Essay length alone will not necessarily result in a high or low score.

MAN 3025 Diversity Assignment Option #2

Management researchers have identified a broad range of benefits from having a diverse workforce. Consider these benefits and think about the steps that an organization should take to realize them. Write an essay identifying some of the important benefits of having a diverse workforce. Discuss some of the challenges organizations often encounter while trying to build a diverse workforce. Then describe some of the actions an organization should take to overcome those challenges, explaining why those actions would be helpful. Provide examples to support your conclusions.

To ensure immediate feedback, please submit a response between 500 and 1000 words, APA formatted when applicable, double- spaced, and a minimum of 3 references. Essay length alone will not necessarily result in a high or low score.

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