Analyze a couple of relationships in Stuart’s Shuggie Bain. What are these two relationships based on (loyalty, love, duty, dependency, common interests etc.)?

Words: 288
Pages: 2
Subject: Literature

Analyze a couple of relationships in Stuart’s Shuggie Bain. What are these two relationships based on (loyalty, love, duty, dependency, common interests etc.)?
Provide examples, quotes as well as page numbers to support your claims.1 Make sure you make use of correct referencing conventions (APA 7 – see examples below)
and please add a reference list at the end of your text (important despite there being only one novel).2
The text should be 400-500 words long (add the word count at the end of the document), meaning that you will have to cover the essentials of this question only. Good luck!

1Quoting example – APA 7:
Setsuko seemed hesitant and embarrassed when she dealt with her father. “Forgive me, I simply meant to suggest that Father may wish to speak to certain acquaintances from his past. That is to say, before the Saitos’ detective does” (Ishiguro, 2001, p.85). Her subservience to her father is also evident in this segment…
Please note that you only need to cite the author, year, and page number/numbers once in each paragraph. In other words, that means that if you cite the same author twice in a row, you only need to provide the page number within brackets, for example (p. 92).
2Reference list example:
Ishiguro, K. (2001). An Artist of the Floating World. Faber.

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