Assignment Question
Your final draft will follow standard MLA guidelines for format. MLA format: 1” margins, Times New Roman, 12 point font, heading on the first page (upper left corner, single-spaced, no title page), double-spaced with NO extra spaces between paragraphs, last name and page number on each successive page. This paper is NOT a research paper! Since the paper is about your reading of the texts, further research about the texts themselves, i.e., what they are “about,” what they “mean,” is not only unnecessary, but will adversely affect your grade and may be considered plagiarism. DO NOT DO RESEARCH EXCEPT to look up any allusions or historical facts/events you may not be familiar with, symbolism that is unknown to you, or for further information on concepts and ideas we discussed in class.
I would not object if you were to seek out more information, for example, about Nigerian history, Sikhism, or post-colonialism. If you do so, however, you MUST CITE the source of this information or it will be considered plagiarism. Citations, both in-text/parenthetical and works cited page, must follow MLA style guidelines. If you do not do any outside research, you do not need to do a works cited page. I will assume you are using the texts as provided in class. (With texts that I have copied and uploaded for you, I know you do not have all of the bibliographic information.) You should still use parenthetical/ in-text citations so that I can locate quotations, however. As a reminder, all final drafts will be uploaded to You should review both the course syllabus and university statements concerning plagiarism. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in failure of the course and formal actions being taken per University policy. 1146708 10 minutes ago Draft needed as well showing progression made in the paper.