Write a 3 page reaction paper where you reflect on your experience with the various chapters in the handbook.

Words: 119
Pages: 1
Subject: Literature

Assignment Question

Upon completion of the Racial Healing Handbook readings, you are expected to write a 3 page reaction paper where you reflect on your experience with the various chapters in the handbook. This paper is expected to be well written and organized and to address the following areas: 1)your assumptions, biases, and resistance you had prior to reading the handbook, 2)your assumptions, biases, resistance, and struggles you experienced while reading the handbook and including your engagement with peers during small and large group discussions 3) what you learned from the experience –about yourself and other group members, 4) how the newly gained knowledge will benefit you both personally and professionally (As a student affairs professional). MUST include at least three in-text references from the RHH. Source Provided: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AAt0Y-d4tInLq5qwh6dw5keBFjYW_yFa/view?usp=sharing


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